Perks of YDY Token and Ycommunity

Ydentity Token
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2018

If you haven’t read about Ydentity already, here’s a quick overview for you. Ydentity is focused at the centre of risk management in a shared economy. Ydentity is the world’s first risk identity blockchain token based on cognitive neuroscience to evaluate risk and provide a predictive model for customer onboarding and risk underwriting. The underlying blockchain platform is token-driven. It is cryptographically protected to defence grade standards and is regulated by a smart contract.

Ydentity is a private key, which in turn is subject to defence grade KYC and cybersecurity standards. A series of questions based on cognitive neuroscience findings assign a risk-averse, risk dependent or risk taker category to the identification which can then be used as a meta-token for onboarding customers.

The benefit of YDY Token

Ydentity risk profile token could provide a new underwriting instrument for several markets including but not limited to insurance, investment, social networking, dating, and gaming.

Activation of Free Trial

Becoming a Ydentity member automatically grants you free access to Ycommunity for one month. During this time, you will have limited access to services provided by the Ycommunity. After your free trial, you will become eligible to purchase a full membership program which will give you complete access to the Ycommunity network, services, bonuses, and incentives.

The Ydentity Incentive and Bonus Program

Members, Experts, and Watchdogs who introduce new members, compliant partners and businesses will receive one YDY bonus token for every 100 new members who become a full member of the Ycommunity.

Ycommunity Experts and Watchdogs will receive 100 YDY bonus tokens per month. Watchdogs will receive an additional 300 YDY bonus tokens for reporting cases of misconduct which are found by the Ombudsman to be non-compliant with the Ycommunity’s Code of Ethics.

So get your YDY tokens and start enjoying the various benefits of Ydentity and Ycommunity.

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