Enter the YDragon

Index protocol of the future

Raiden, YDragon CEO
5 min readJun 20, 2021


YDragon: DeFi made simple

Investing and trading are not practices unique to crypto. They’ve been refined over decades in the good ol’ boring world of traditional finance, where diversification is a key tenet and mantra of the investor code. A code that has shielded many investors and traders from the emotional rollercoaster ride the average investor has been feeling every day.

In all likelihood you as an investor have willingly or unwillingly tried your hand at diversification during your crypto adventure. While you may find pleasure in researching and purchasing individual assets to get your feet wet, to get a better taste of what’s out there, it quickly becomes a difficult enterprise as you become financially involved in more and more assets. In the crypto world assets vary wildly on any and all axes you can possibly imagine: capitalization, available liquidity, exchange placement, blockchain tech, blockchain maturity, community maturity, fee structures, yield farming algorithms, smart contract transparency and complexity, you name it. Such an environment quickly leads to a massive overhead in terms of required due diligence, laborious and costly transactions, and unnecessary losses incurred due to being too slow to the draw (how are you going to manually DCA into or out of 50 different assets, sitting on 5 different blockchains, without ceding your Alpha to fat protocol fees?).

Diversification is a key tenet and mantra of the investor code.

Knowing the above you might realize you’re in over your head and choose to invest in only a few of your favorite assets — say Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Chainlink. But then you’re hit with the unfortunate factoid that the cost of not diversifying, of failing to expose yourself to the wider market, is an even more insidious cost that will haunt you the next time a set of different assets rise in parabolic value, leaving you holding a bag of cryptocurrencies appreciating a mere 5%.

Having reflected on the above, we realized that the crypto investor is met with a lose-lose dilemma on a daily basis: diversify and get overwhelmed, or don’t diversify and run the risk of choosing your assets poorly. We know that the experienced crypto trader/investor has very high risk tolerance (and considers Bitcoin a stablecoin), but some risk can be completely avoided. Let’s go back to the traditional finance world: roughly half of all investment capital is locked in portfolios, indexes, funds and ETFs, that is, investment methods with the dual goals of maximizing profit and minimizing risk. Can’t we do the same for crypto, in particular decentralized finance? After all, DeFi is cheaper. It has lower barriers of entry. It’s more transparent, auditable, tech-first, and — more importantly — is at the epicenter of one of the biggest growth sectors in the entire investment world, in addition to being a big middle finger to old money, the establishment, the ivory tower. Oh, and there’s a lot of investment opportunities.

Allow me to introduce you to YDragon.

YDragon unchained

YDragon is a brand new way of investing in multiple assets and multiple yield farming protocols at once. It takes the traditional finance approach of investing in baskets of assets, but does it the blockchain way: instead of relying on a portfolio manager, it relies on smart contracts to make decisions. Instead of making your assets work for the benefit of the fund management firm, it redistributes yield farm rewards to investors.

YDragon will rethink and reshape the way you invest your precious coin by essentially doing for crypto investors what index funds did for fiat.

— OCTAL, YDragon COO

Whelp steps

YDragon’s first foray into the index space will be by bringing together the best of what the Binance Smart Chain has to offer, by minting the B5, the Top 5 BSC Reputable Projects index. The index will feature a hand-picked selection of what we believe to be the crème de la crème of BSC, in addition to having a rich selection of yield farming protocols to choose from. These yield farming protocols will be used to farm rewards for our most dedicated investors that choose to stake their tokens on various staking lock-up periods. Shortly thereafter we’ll be offering similar indexes on additional blockchains such as Avalanche, Matic, and Polkadot.

Let’s go back to the traditional finance world: roughly half of all investment capital is locked in portfolios, indexes, funds and ETFs.

Other than being able to invest in indexes, investors will be able to purchase our YDR token to gain exposure to the full scope of the project, in addition to being able to make decisions on future index offerings. To ensure a healthy level of adoption and price exposure to our products, the YDR token will represent roughly 5% of every index that we offer, supercharging its value as interest in the YDragon ecosystem grows over time. The most dedicated will be able to stake their YDR tokens to benefit from each and every index’s yield farming strategy.

YDR token ecosystem exposure

What’s next?

Expect our first index offering and the launch of our YDR token to take place mid-July 2021.

You can expect many exciting announcements and informative releases to trickle down over the coming weeks:

  • An initial roadmap with some hints on what to expect from future index offerings.
  • A whitepaper giving a more detailed description of why we consider YDragon to be such an important project, and how it exactly functions and benefits investors in ways invisible to the naked eye.
  • YDragon partnerships.
  • Initial Minting Event launch details.
  • YDragon IDO and airdrop campaigns.

We hope you are as excited about YDragon as we are. YDragon is not just an ecosystem of yield-bearing indexes that provide the average crypto investor with a rich set of assets aimed at risk reduction and profit generation. It’s much more than that. It concentrates the world of crypto into hand-picked bundles of value. It lets you access the scattered world of blockchain from a single point of entry. It minimizes the cost of doing business. It exposes your money to the best yield farming protocols available. It leverages the power of smart contracts and expert opinion to deliver assets unlike anything you’ve seen before.

YDragon is the much needed lighthouse in a sea of treacherous waters.

Find out more about YDragon on our website.

Follow YDragon on Twitter, Telegram, and Telegram Announcement.

