YDragon Builds a Bridge

YDragon takes first step into the cross-chain domain with first bridge

Raiden, YDragon CEO
2 min readAug 18, 2021


Following the successful dual listing of YDragon on BSC and Ethereum, there is another rapid and exciting development to announce in the shape of a cross-chain bridge between the two.

Now while the purpose of the bridge is fairly obvious for some, let’s just be crystal clear: this bridge enables you to swap tokens from one blockchain to another. Let’s say you hold your $YDR on Ethereum, and you want to move it to BSC, this is where the bridge can help you. Let’s go over some details around how it works and any fees involved.

How the Bridge Works

Ok, so let’s say you want to move tokens from BSC to ETH. In order to make a cross-chain swap, tokens need to be sent to the swap contract in the original network, BSC. This process is the first of two transactions, and the gas fee for this transaction is paid by you when it is approved in Metamask. The tokens you wish to move across the bridge, or swap, are then locked on the swap contract in the original network.

In the target network, in our case, ETH, your tokens are sent from the swap contract to your wallet. This is the second of our two transactions, and the gas fees have to be paid to complete it. These gas fees are paid by YDragon (the swap contract owner).

Gas Fees

In the above, we mentioned gas fees a couple of times. In case you’re unsure what this is, I’ll explain. Gas fees are small charges to compensate for the computational effort needed to perform actions on Ethereum. You can think of it like the ‘processing fee’ at the bank. Gas fees are calculated in GWEI, which is a smaller unit of Ethereum (1 GWEI = 0.0000000001 ETH).

The Key Numbers

  • Minimum token number for a swap = 5000 $YDR

In order to facilitate the use of the swap contract, the minimum required swap amount is 5000 $YDR

  • Swap fee = 1000 $YDR

For every swap, regardless of size, there will be a flat fee of 1000 $YDR.

So, to summarise, just a few hours after listing, YDragon are happy to bring you this first development step in the project, allowing you a greater level of flexibility with how you use your $YDR. This is a great start, but it’s merely a drop in the ocean compared to what the future holds. Watch this space!

Buy YDR on Pancakeswap here

Buy YDR on Uniswap here

Contract Address: 0x3757232b55e60da4a8793183ac030cfce4c3865d

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