YDragon Private Fantom Fund

YDragon private blockchain funds expand onto up-and-coming and highly scalable platform, Fantom

Raiden, YDragon CEO
5 min readOct 13, 2021


Note: This product offered by us is different to the actual indexes we’ll be providing on our platform. In other terms this is another standalone product.

Following the success of our first, and still ongoing private blockchain fund investment into Solana, YDragon are excited to announce the second edition, this time into rapidly growing and incredibly promising blockchain, Fantom.

Those of you out there that keep an eye on Defi news regularly are probably hearing Fantom mentioned more and more in recent weeks and months. They’re starting to make some big moves and show some serious promise around what they can do for blockchain and the crypto space in general. According to recent reports, Fantom has become the fifth-biggest platform in the industry. For those that are unfamiliar, here’s a little run-through.

What is Fantom?

Fantom is a high-performance, scalable, and secure smart-contract platform. It’s been designed in a way that removes a number of restrictions suffered by older blockchain platforms. The platform is totally permissionless, decentralised, and fully open-source. Fantom works as a platform which can be used to build decentralised applications and also create NFT tokens.

One of the biggest draws to Fantom is their solution to one of the biggest issues in the blockchain world today; speed. Within the Fantom protocol is a mechanism called Lachesis, which allows digital assets to run at unprecedented speed and delivers incredible improvements over current options.

Speed and performance are not the only benefits though; Fantom has been built in a way that enables total customisation of blockchains for digital assets, with different characteristics tailored to their use-case.

The speed, scalability and open-source nature of Fantom is drawing enormous attention across crypto at the moment, with increasing numbers of projects making Fantom their blockchain of choice. This is due in part to the fact that on Fantom, each network built is independent from others, meaning their performance and stability are totally unaffected by traffic or congestion.

Investing in the Private Fantom Fund

The latest edition of this exciting product will follow the same format as the first, with access via two tiers; Ruby Dragons Den and a Lottery Tier. All investors will be provided with weekly updates of key information relating to the fund through the designated communication channels.

Private Fantom Fund Tiers and Access

  • Ruby Dragons Den — A minimum holding or staked value of $YDR 50,000 is required to gain access to this tier. This amount must be held in your wallet, tokens as yet unreceived from vesting do not count towards this.
  • Lottery Tier — A minimum holding or staked value of $YDR 15,000 is required, at which point applications will enter a lottery and a set number will be selected to join the Ruby Dragons Den. This amount must be held in your wallet, tokens as yet unreceived from vesting do not count towards this.
  • Take note that the YDR tokens need to be held in your wallet; tokens that are still yet to be received from vesting do not count.
  • We will be taking the first snapshot of account held tokens from applicants on Friday, October 15th at 10pm UTC.
  • Invitations for investor applicants that meet the necessary criteria will begin from Saturday, October 16th.

In order to register your interest in the Private Fantom Fund, please complete this investor registration form. During registration, you can signify which entry tier is of interest to you. The lottery tier applicants will then be chosen once the numbers are filled up, with the final number decided based on overall investor interest.

Recap of Why We Began Private Blockchain Funds

The YDragon tagline ‘DeFi Made Simple’ is not just a cheesy catchphrase; it’s a mission statement. The ethos behind the project is to take a number of key areas across the Defi space that involve unnecessary complexities and simplify them in a way that makes them as accessible to the world as possible.

Due to recent growth across a number of blockchains another problem has arisen. This spike has created enormous interest across the crypto space around methods to invest in newer, incredibly promising blockchains, and right now this is a problem with no clear solution. YDragon to the rescue!

The benefits of creating a solution for this problem are quite extensive, but here are a few key focus points:

  • Exposure to new use cases that don’t currently have liquid projects to support them
  • Exposure to non-fungible assets in a novel way
  • Exposure to upcoming, highly promising projects (including cross-chain)
  • Exposure to yet-to-be-released yield farming opportunities that disproportionately reward early adopters

The Solution

The YDragon platform already has every tool we need to solve this problem, and in a pretty simple way, too! The framework is this — to utilise the YDragon platform to collateralise assets in managed vaults with a predetermined mission statement. These vaults and the assets within, will allow us, and you, to gain exposure to as-yet-unestablished blockchains currently without the right infrastructure or financial ability to be able to build indexes around them.

The Process

In order to do this, the first step will be to source capital from interested, private parties, which will be locked for a preset time frame in a vault focused on a specific blockchain. To exit the vault, an unbind period of 2 weeks will need to be observed.

Once this stage is complete, the next step is to collateralise the assets and invite participants to private communication channels. This will enable free-flowing, transparent and collaborative communication from both management and investors.

Finally, the combination of leveraging raised capital, utilising investor connections and vast team experience, will enable us to identify promising projects early and gain exposure, keeping us a step or two ahead of the game. This will solidify our position to fulfil the vault’s mission statement, whilst hugely enhancing early growth capture opportunities.

A further benefit of this solution would be operating a more managed fund, which will allow us to shift capital around, depending on project performance and shifts in public interests and focus areas.

A Final Note

As we have seen in recent times with the explosion of NFTs, yield-farming and APR Pools, capturing early blockchain exposure is and will continue to be a huge area of focus in the DeFi space, and YDragon have a solution.

As we investigate this further and develop optimum exposure strategies, more info will be released so keep an eye out for further announcements and opportunities to get involved.

Yield to the mighty.

Buy YDR here

Contract Address: 0x3757232b55e60da4a8793183ac030cfce4c3865d

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