Arbitrary Themes are Arbitrary

Michelle Chua
1 min readMar 19, 2014


We haven’t written anything until now about Year of Plenty logistics, but we are trying to keep ourselves on track, somehow. To borrow from The Happiness Project, we have one theme per month (open to interpretation) to help us focus our efforts.

The first part of the year focuses on gathering our thoughts and on exploration/experimentation, while the latter is more about delivery and completion of our projects. We are having some trouble keeping to these… time seems to melt away. But we’re doing our best.

Organization (January)

Purge, donate, relocate, unpack, get organized. Whew.

Love (February)

Show gratitude to the people who matter the most.

Nourishment (March)

Experiment with projects that are physical, touchable, and hopefully, edible. Read and try things out.

Growth (April)

Sapling time-lapse, gardening, or growing a skill we would like to have (possibly one we read about in March).

Ground (May)

Revisit original intentions. Reset as necessary.

Adventure (June)

Try one new thing we’ve never done before.

Dig (July)

Investigate a project topic deeply, to set ourselves up to finish.

Sizzle (August)

Turn the proverbial heat up on our projects — push to polish.

Study (September)

Vigorously test out each others projects. Iterate.

Harvest (October)

Share what we learned and what we made with others.

Gratitude (November)

Give back to people/projects who have helped us reach our goal.


Finish and celebrate what we’ve done!



Michelle Chua

Designer, researcher, programmer, @unstressedvowel. I like to make things, eat noodles, and ride bikes.