Beginning the Journey to College Success

Yolanda Shuman
Year One KSU
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2017

The goal when attending college is, to graduate in the desired major that was chosen and to get the dream job that was always wanted. There is a lot of work that needs to be put in, to reach that intended goal in college unlike in high school. Study habits, time management, planning ahead and so much more are all the things needed for college success. Personally, I am not as strong in the aspects of studying. I know that, that is something I need to work on, and the more I push myself to find different studying strategies that help me, I know that it will not be a problem in the future years that I am in college. Studying is one of my weakness that I have made known while I am one my journey to college success.

Procrastination is something that everyone has experience in their lifetime. For me, procrastination was one of my biggest weakness when it came to doing assignments. Now that I have obtain a glimpse of college life this summer, I have realized that procrastination is no longer a option, and I must push myself to get the work done in order to succeed. One strength that I may state that I have, is doing my work on time. I am never one for lateness when it come to my work. Once I have past the moment of procrastination I am all in when I begin my work. I always have the mindset of, if I finish this before it is due, I will have time to go back and make sure that is thoroughly correct.

One type of studying strategy that have become of my favorites is making flash cards. Making flash cards help me with memorizing key terms and also with major points. Flash cards can not be used for all classes given, but for it is very useful with classes that consist of remembering dates of specific events and for classes that are for learning a different language. Another study strategy that I use is, making questions from the assignment and quiz myself, to make sure that I understand the content. I learned this strategy from my parents, because they would always quiz me the night before I had a quiz or test in a class.

There are some things I would like to improve on that I know that will help with college success. One of those things is my time management. I am not one for planning things and keeping to the planned schedule. I need to learn how plan ahead better than what I am currently doing and to stick to that plan that I created. Another thing that I need to improve on is asking questions when I do not know how to do something or if I do not understand the meaning of the context. I know that once I improve on these two problems, I will be on the right track to college success.

