Comic Book Club: “The Creation of Imaginative Properties”

Year One KSU
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2019

Comic books are the ultimate expression of visual storytelling, the audience can see the world that writers and illustrators have created. While being a colorful and creative medium comics are often over looked even in literature. I decided to introduce a comic book club because there aren't any other organizations/ clubs like one.

About The Founder

I got into reading comics around the age of 8, and started drawing them at age 17. The very first comic I read was a Garfield comic strip from my grandparents news paper. I would eventually go on to read Archie, Sonic, and Batman comics, Iv’e also read a bit of manga(Japanese Comics) as well. The nostalgia I felt from reading my childhood stories inspired me to create my own stories to share with others. I wanted a community or group to create with because it’s always more fun and productive to bounce your creative ideas off others.

Club Purpose

The purpose of the comic book club is to share and create, there are so many students that have expansive worlds and minds in their heads that are ready to be exposed.

I personally have a story that I want to share with the world that I’ve been working on for 8 years as of this article release date.

Over time I wanted a place were I could tell people my story and get meaningful feed back. The comic book club can be a place were people share their stories, improve their drawing skills, and just overall perfect their craft.

Events and Meet ups

The club will get together every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 to 8. Those times are pretty good and flexible, most students are out of class by 6:30 so its fairly convenient.

For events, the city of Atlanta has plenty. Dragon Con takes place between late August and early September. The event last 4 days, and tens of thousands attend each year, the event is starting to rival Comic-Con the largest comic event in the nation. At Dragon Con there are plenty of professional illustrators, writers, gamers, and cosplayers. During the panels and interviews you can learn how those pros got to were they currently are. You can also purchase merchandise, tools, guides, and other cool accessories to help improve your own work as well. The comic book club plans to attend Dragon Con each years as a group field trip of sorts.


One of the perks of being in the comic book club is a unique graduation stole. The requirement to obtain the stole is to be a member of the club for at least 2 semesters( 1 whole academic year). Members that were apart of the club for 6 semesters or more get a more unique stole and a graduation cord as well.

Comics and other creative mediums have always been an outlet for people that’s one of the driving forces for the organization. The comic book club was meant to be a place where creative individuals can to get together and express themselves.

