Future Journalists of America

Isaiah Paige
Year One KSU
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2019

Being able to join different clubs and organizations is a part of finding a sense of belonging. There are 300 different student organizations at Kennesaw State, there is one for almost anything you can think of. These are great ways to meet new people with common interests as you on campus, some of these people may even share your major so you can create study groups as well.

As easy as it is to join an organization, it is just as easy to create one. All you need is a group of people with a common interest to establish a purpose for your Student Organization, then register it through Owl Life! It is a very simple process that can make your experience at Kennesaw State more enjoyable.

If I were to create a Registered Student Organization, I would create something to help those in my major develop and perfect their craft. As a journalism and emerging media major, they have similar organizations such as Owl Radio, The Sentinel, The Peak, and Society of Professional Journalists. I would create a Registered Student Organization titled Future Journalists of America. In this organization, we would work to preserve journalism as a field and help journalism majors improve their journalism skills. Journalism is a field that is becoming more electronic, thus making journalism majors more rare by the year because the internet gives almost anyone access to become “couch journalist.” In this organization, we will attempt to help journalism majors take advantage of having their degree and obtain great jobs as they come out of college. We would do this by having different workshops, tutoring, and hopefully even speakers from professional journalists to give advice on what skills to work on and what to do after graduation to find great jobs. We will also learn how to adapt to the new age of the profession through online workshops. Hopefully members that obtain internships could share some things that they have learned with the organization as well!

I believe this organization would be beneficial for journalism majors everywhere and that it we could see an increase in pay for journalism majors as they graduate and obtain their degree. This organization would be great for our profession and hopefully other universities would use a model of this Registered Student Organization to create a similar one at their school to help journalism majors across the country. Journalism is a great profession that should not be given access by those who have done nothing to deserve to become a journalist and take jobs away from people who have worked hard and spent a lot of money on a degree.

If you are going to create a Registered Student Organization, find something you are passionate about, find others that are just as passionate, create a goal(s) for your organization, and create a plan to take steps to achieve this goal. It does not have to necessarily involve your major, just something you love and something you care deeply about.

