Hard Work, Soft Curlz

Makayla St. Rose
2 min readSep 25, 2019


“Campus Curlz Inc., is a natural hair and service based organization whose goals are to enhance, educate, and uplift those on campus and in the community through educational support and service.” Founded at Hampton University in 2017 by Nia Willman and Kiyanna Monroe, they wanted to form an organization that would host fun, engaging and educational events on campus and in the community. These events raise awareness and inform men and women on the importance of healthy hair and lifestyle.

In my younger years, I was educated on site words, PEDMAS, and how small atoms were, but I was never once taught to love myself or my natural hair. While it may seem typical for young girls to struggle with self-confidence and love, it takes more of a toll on children’s mind then people think. Growing up, there was so little representation of people of color in the media and I thought that in order to be considered pretty I had to look like them. Obviously, that was impossible so I really grew up struggling to love myself and the features I was born with. It wasn’t until high school when I discovered the “Natural Hair Movement” where black women all over the world were proudly wearing their natural hair and encouraging others to do the same. It was inspiring to see so many people who looked like me finally embracing what I grew up hating; and it encouraged me to do the same.

It was inspiring to see so many people who looked like me finally embracing what I grew up hating.

Now that I’m in college, I knew I needed to get involved but I wanted to make sure I was getting involved in an organization that I could genuinely stand behind. Then came Campus Curlz, being that the only Campus Curlz chapter located in Georgia is at Kennesaw, I knew it was meant to be. The more I learned, the more I became engrossed in their philosophies and initiatives. I wanted to be a part of an organization that promotes self love and care to everyone in the community, something I wish I had growing up. I would never want a young girl to feel the way I once did, now that I have the opportunity, I’m going to do whatever I can to promote self love, service, and education to anyone I can.

