Year One KSU
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2016


It’s amazing how less than two weeks ago I was graduating high school and now I’m sitting in a desk as a college student. It is crazy how time flies and how one second you are 12 years old watching TV and now having a care in the world to next turning 18 and having to plan your whole life ahead. Life goes by at a fast pace and soon you’ll be getting married, having kids, and next thing you know you will start seeing white hair start to appear on your head. Time only goes faster as you get older so make sure you enjoy it while it last and never let a single moment pass from your fingertips because before you know it your time will be up.

Less than two months ago I was walking across the stage receiving my high school diploma and now I am here in Kennesaw as an official college students and it blows my mind and makes me wonder how fast time catches up with you. It seemed like yesterday I was starting high school as a freshman, I remember the car ride there, the awkward silence, and the anxiety raising inside of me and I step out the car and cross the street to enter my high school. I remember each and every one of my homecomings, the outfits I wore, the music they played, the amount of time it took me to get ready and even the fun moments shared with the people in my school. It seemed like just the other day I was celebration my sweet 16th party and now I’m officially 18 years old, it insane. Now in about two months I am going to be officially starting college in the fall with 33,000 other people in the fall and its safe to say that just thinning about it my anxiety is 100 times worse than it was my first day of freshman year. This summer is going to fly by fast, our first year as college students, and basically all the years that we will use to reach our goals. My thing is, enjoy it and do not waste a single moment in life because you can make the most it.

We all at one point say “dang that went by fast”, whether it was a class, a movie, a school year, or even a time period in your life. Time does not slow down, especially as we get older, what I’m trying to say is enjoy it and be successful or do something grand in your life before the clock runs out. We all want to be successful and accomplish great things and enjoy the great pleasures in life but we can’t waste time in it either. In less than 10 years (I pray that) all of us will already have our lives set, hopefully we have all graduated from college and are now working on the jobs we’ve dreamed of working as. But in that time frame enjoy every minute of life because in the blink of an eye we’ll be pursuing our careers and go on to do greater things.

