Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Joël K
Year One KSU
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2017

Like Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, “Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” when I was younger, my parents left my me and siblings and went to the United States of America, we were told that we would be joining them soon. But “soon” turned into eight years. Throughout those eight years, I almost gave up on the thought of me coming to the United States and thought that it would never happen. But it happened, It just took longer than expected. Going through that experience made me a very patient individual. So I must say that on of my strengths is patience. I fairly believe that patience is key to everything and it’s important to be patient when it comes to college success. You can’t get a diploma in just a day. It takes longer than that, and it also depends on what major you are going for, while in college. Nobody has ever accomplished their goals overnight; it takes years of hard work and a whole lot of patience.

We all have our strengths, but here is the bad news. We have our weaknesses too, and it’s not a bad thing, nobody’s perfect. One of my top weaknesses is procrastination. I feel like a lot of people, mostly students can relate. I’m so good at procrastinating, that it’s gotten bad. I don’t know what it is, but I attend to do my class work at the last minute, and I usually perform well under these circumstances, but I end up being stressed and don’t get enough sleep. On my previous article titled Moment of Adversity. I share a story goes a little bit deep into the subject of me being a procrastinator. When it comes to college success, procrastination can be very detrimental.

What most worried about when it comes to college studying and learning is graduating college and feeling like I didn’t learn anything or that the college experience didn’t me grow as an individual, mentally. I want to learn as much as possible while I’m here. I’m majoring in computer science, so I’m trying to see if learning about programming in college is different than learning how to programming on YouTube or other online services that teach programming. In order to learner better and get the most out of what the teachers will be teaching in class. I will need to come up with study strategies. I like to quiz myself or do practice tests, it depends on the class, for example for math I tend to do practice problems and take a few notes, but for classes like Science or English I mostly quiz myself, read my notes, and make flashcards. I’ve learned all these strategies in high school, and they’ve worked pretty well. if there is anything I would improve moving forward in college, It will be time management, I think if I’m good at managing my time and know my priorities I’ll be less of a procrastinator and that can help me be a successful college student.

