Moment of Adversity

Joël K
Year One KSU
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2017

I remember back in my senior high school years. There I was excited, not only excited about the fact that it was my final chapter of high school but I was also excited about taking my first AP class. It wasn’t just any AP course; this was AP calculus which was rumored to be one of the hardest class in high school. During my junior year, I was told not to take Calculus by my senior classmates, but I didn’t listen and registered for the class. I was excited to take on the challenge. That same year my pre-calculus gave us a summer assignment which was due the first school when we get back from the summer break. That was when I realized how much of a procrastinator I was. Throughout the whole summer break, I told myself that I would get the assignment done, but I didn’t. As the days went by, I kept on postponing it and ended up not doing it all.

First day of School, Judgement day. Here I was with no completed assignment as the teacher asked for it. All I can tell myself at that time was that it wasn’t all that bad and that I could bring my grades up quickly. Friday of that same week the teacher posted the grades. Oh boy! Let me tell you; it wasn’t looking good. The first week of school I was already failing the class with a 45. I never had a grade so low in my entire life. My mind was in panic mode. I was ready to give up and switch to another math class, one that was easier than AP calculus. Then I thought to myself, this was the challenge that I choose to take on myself nobody but I decided to do this. I was crazy enough to think a “challenge” was easy. That was then I decided to stay in the class and work my butt off. I had ups and downs in my AP Class, but I made it through and passed the class. One thing I got out of this experience is that life itself is a challenge and you’ll decide to either take on the challenge or run from it. You’ll decide to either be a victor or a quitter.

