My time at B2S…

Year One KSU
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2016

It’s kind of hard to believe that has been almost six weeks since I’ve started this program and it is almost coming to an end. Honestly I felt like this program would last forever and go by super slow but looking back it seem to fly by at a pretty good speed. There were times where I kind of wondered if it was too late to pack my things and run away in hopes to find a rich man no joke, but there were other times when I was glad I started taking classes and agreed to do the program. At least in the fall I won’t look like a complete freshman wondering around campus looking like a fool trying to find my classes.

A few days before I started the program I thought great now I have to go into school-mood again as if I just didn’t graduate two weeks ago, I wanted to sound exciting thinking “well at least I don’t have to worry about wasting my summer” and I admit I felt pretty smart when I told the people in my church that I was starting early as if it wasn’t because of the math section of the ACT (lol)! I wanted to move in as late as possible meaning the evening before. When my mom and little brother said goodbye and left I thought wow what now I seriously didn’t know anyone and I just wanted it to be Thursday already so I can just go home. The first day I was pretty nervous because it was basically my first day of collage so I didn’t know what to expect. Everyone seemed to know each other and I thought crap what am I going to do, who should I speak to first, what will people think of me etc. The first couple days I seriously didn’t want to talk to anyone, and laziness was the culprit. My first thought of class being from 12–3:45 was great how much do they hate us like seriously??

But after a while it wasn’t that bad, in fact time flew by fast, one min it was 12:30 five minutes later it was already 2:55. Then I got to know people and they’re all great and each have a unique personality. Of course they were some downs such as staying up late studying for government, or working on the mid term, or the degree map ESPECIALLY the degree map and Dr. Trivedi’s quizzes. After looking at my first two quiz grades I thought “Wow Jasmine I’m gonna fail freshman seminar” but after learning about different study strategies and taking the time to read the chapters I knew it wasn’t going to be so bad. Another thing I hated doing were presentations. I’ve pretty much suffered with anxiety problems since I was little and this didn’t make it better, but I knew that my classmates weren’t going to judge me and that it was all to benefit me better in the future. Honestly the class discussions were great as well as the off topic conversations in Dr. Usher’s class and the fun games played in workshop. With only a week left in the program I just hope that I can look back and say it was all worth it.

B2S actually helped me transition from high school to college and also helped me get ahead. I liked the program even though I feel like deep down I could have done better academically and socially but hey it’s only summer and hopefully in the fall things will change. I had a great time and would defiantly recommend B2S to any high school graduate who wishes to get ahead and have an easy transition to the college life.

