Pecha Kucha

chelsea mills
2 min readJul 18, 2016


Past- It’s no secret how children develop.There are millions of books to read and videos to watch not to mention the thousands of articles online. We all hit the same major developmental milestones. It’s something that can link us together. Those hilarious stories of being potty trained or learning to walk is a secret we all share. We have all asked “ Dumb” questions when we were young. We have all touched that button just to see what it will do. We have all asked our parents “why?” a million times because we honestly didn’t understand why the sky was blue.

Present- With six younger siblings I wanted to understand why children ask these questions. More than that I wanted to know how to answer them. So, I enrolled in Early Childhood Education and got exactly what I was looking for.I learned every developmental milestone between conception and the age of six. I learned that the attention span of a five year old is about seven minutes. That asking why plays a huge role in your brain development . I learned how to write a lesson plan. I learned that every good lesson plan has learning variations and that yes! boys need a way more active lesson than girls. I learned how I could help children on their journey toward self-actualization.

Future- All these things play a huge role in my future. As most of you know I want to be a teacher. How would I be able to teach without having actually been there myself. That’s where my past comes in. Having gone through all of these things when I was growing up helps me help my future students. I could read about teaching social skills all day but what good is that five hundred page book gonna do if I can’t relate it to that student. The same goes with my present. All this information I am taking in right now will give me a better understanding of their little brains. Teaching is half about establishing a connection and half about knowing information.

My past was all about learning,My present is all about learning how to teach, and My future, is gonna be all about Teaching.



chelsea mills

My name is Chelsea mills. I am a first year student at kennesaw university, perusing a degree in Early Childhood Education.