Reflection Questions

Alex Smith
Year One KSU
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2017

1. Degree maps have a lot of meaning to them. In this case, it shows what I would like to be in. In this degree map, I plan not only my classes, but I also make expectations on the people that I will meet in those classes. If the classes are anything like the freshmen seminar I took in college, I should be able to make friends very easily. Then again, the class itself had communication activities, so I should not be surprised that I was able to bond with the classmates easily. With the degree map, I am giving myself opportunities to meet people that require the same class for their major. That way we can make study groups with each other and be able to be more comfortable with one’s company. On the other hand, it might be a problem since I am not a social person. I have no idea how I got my friends from earlier grades like high or elementary school; it just happened. In closing, I believe that with the help of the degree map, not only will I find people that like me for who I am, but will also give me the opportunity to find people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.

2. There are many resources in college to help me stay on track, and now I will go through each one by one. The first resources I will use are the syllabuses given to me by my teachers. With these, I will be able to assign due dates and plan my days carefully. That way, I will not be lost with what I will need to do each day in college. If I need additional help, I will talk to my academic advisor about majors and schedules. For example, if I decide that I want to change majors, then I will talk to her about it. I will also ask her about if the degree map I created is a good plan for my college life. To me, I believe I will be going to my academic advisor multiple times until I get my schedule the way I want it to be. The final resource I will use are the tutor centers. If I have problems with a certain class, I will go there to solve my problems. That way my grades will go up if there are not the way I want them to be. In closing, this campus has many resources that I will be crazy if I do not use them.

3. Because of this exercise, I have realized that I have to make my choice of majors as soon as possible. Otherwise I will be really confused with my life and will not go anywhere. It also gives me a satisfying feeling to plan out my college classes for months to come. Not only that, but the degree map gives me time to think about if I should consider changing it in any way. In general, this degree map lets me think of certain parts of life that I would not even thought of until they are really close. At first, I was always thinking of the present without any consideration of looking at the future since I wanted to focus on what is happening now. However, this degree map gives me a new perspective on Kennesaw state university. Additionally, the degree map also gives me goosebumps about all those classes since from what I read online, those classes are not going to be a cakewalk. However, if I just be positive, focus on the good things in life, and never procrastinate, I am sure that I accomplish anything. In closing, this degree map helped me open my eyes about the future of my college life.

