Reusable Sanitary Napkins: Let’s Address the Stigma

3 min readNov 13, 2019


In my previous post, I discussed my project proposal of further initiating the awareness and use of reusable sanitary napkins. I believe feminine hygiene is a topic too rarely talked about yet is so significant since it concerns every woman that exists in the world. Other people share the same thoughts as well, so this is why my group and I have decided to choose this topic for our project analysis.

The main question we will be addressing is, “How can we make sanitary napkins more sustainable and affordable for women worldwide?” With this, we could easily touch on the topic of how the initiative first originated and its original motives. This also is a great question because it brings attention to worldwide feminine hygiene. The topic that is often not spoken about is looked at with a new perspective when stating that women worldwide are affected.

Of course, when addressing this topic there will be some stigma uprise against it and thought of whether the napkins are clean and safe to use. Like a diva cup, reusable sanitary napkins are 100 percent clean and safe. The napkins are made entirely of cloth and are in the shape of a disposable sanitary napkin. The reusable napkin can be buttoned around the underwear, much like how wings on disposable napkins stick to the bottom of underwear. When not in use, the napkins can be machine or hand-washed, dried and used again. We would be sure to include all of the following information in our project presentation.

After the information about how the napkins developed, what and who they are for and how they operate, we would then address the statistics of women around the world who do not have access to disposable sanitary napkins. The statistics are more surprising than expected. Additionally, we would also address the amount of waste that disposable napkins cause since they’re made of plastics. This would also be a different approach, yet still, keep the same premise of a global issue since the majority of women in America have access to disposable napkins. Pollution has already been addressed to be a huge issue in our world today, so discussing how disposable napkins pose as a threat to the already piling plastic pollutants will naturally spark interest and/or passion for action.

With a project that is focused mainly on a product, it would be logical to have visuals and the actual product when presenting. So, when my group and I present, we plan to have a real reusable sanitary napkin kit on hand so people can see, feel and understand the product and better understand the presentation and topic. Words and pictures can only influence a person’s perspective a certain amount, but having hands-on material will bring a broader approach to the topic.

We are looking forward to further educate people on this initiative. We believe this global issue deserves more attention because it indirectly affects all of us, men and women, worldwide. Hopefully, the initiative will continue to grow.

Kenyan orphanage receives 500 kits

