The End

Year One KSU
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2016

My summer did not go as planned. What I thought would be a care-free summer, turned out to be one of the most stressful experiences I’ve ever encountered; and I would not change it for the world. Instead of spending my summer tanning on the beach, I began my college journey. I enrolled into 2 courses here at Kennesaw State.

Getting a head start on school sounded like a smart idea until I actually started doing it. College is no joke. High school definitely does not prepare you for this. You have way more assignments, harder assignments, no late work is accepted, and my classes are 3 hours and 45 minutes each. Luckily, I was able to learn a lot about time management, a key concept that any college student must become familiar with. Unlike the movies, the professors actually care about their students. Both of my professors have taken the time out of their schedules to help not only me, but the entire class in one way or the other. I must admit that sleeping does not exist in college. Not because of all of the partying but because the workloads require much more than the time given in class. Most of the time in class we are not even doing any of the work that is going to be graded. Meaning that homework actually has to be done at home. Spoil alert!

The people I have met this summer are from all over the world, literally. I’ve met people from Greece, Germany, and even from Korea. You would think that with all of these different personalities being placed into one area that all types of fights would have broken out, but nope! We have all come together and managed to become one big family. I have created unbreakable bonds with some the people here in under 6 weeks. Something I never would have thought was possible. The people I have met here have honestly taught me so much. I have gotten more out of life then I would have ever thought imaginable just by being here.

I decided to live on campus which has also been an adjustment for me. It ensures me to know that I am surrounded by people who are experiencing this for the first time just like I am. Living on my own is more responsibility than I anticipated. I am now responsible for making decisions that I’ve never had to make before. What temperature to keep the house at, a decent time to be in the house, how many people are allowed in my house, what cabinets to put groceries in, the list goes on and on. Living on my own really makes me realize that I am now an adult. Majority of the friends that I have made live on the same floor that I live on, making life much easier. I am almost always able to simply open my door and be accompanied by someone. There are many sleepless nights that occur when living in the dorms. But they are all worth it.

Overall my summer experience here at KSU has been made worth wild by a group of wonderful people. I cannot wait to see what new things the fall bring. I may not have been able to relax on the beach this summer but I feel like I was able to do something much more exciting. Closing the chapter of my first semester in college, and opening the next….

The End

