Why Pokemon Go is Not Just an App

Nikki Ventura
Year One KSU
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2016

You have probably seen a ton of people walking about in the most random areas, there eyes stuck to their screen. They walk around for a few moments, make a sudden stop, do a few swipes, then move along. This magical moment is a Pokemon Master in the making. This, is Pokemon Go.

This app is amazing!! I’ve been playing since the night it was released, and i’m hooked. And it’s not just because I want to catch em all. It’s because of what it’s done for me. Before the apps release, I had never seen the entirety of the Kennesaw campus. Now, I can say i’ve circled it about 8 times. Pokemon Go forces you to get up, and explore whatever area you may be in. And i’m talking really expore. I have walked miles in the most random of areas for this game, meeting the most random people. That’s another huge plus. You’re NEVER the only one playing. You’re always bumping into someone tracking the same Pokemon as you, and that is such an amazing thing. There have been several times in which there is a group of up to 20+ people playing this thing, and everyone gets along so well. You suddenly make all these new friends. This is not just an app, people! It’s forcing people to move, meet, and cooperate. This is a way of life.

And hey, it’s a good way of life! I’ve seen several people already begin to jump on those who are happily playing this game, and it does sadden me. Anyone who makes fun of a person playing a game that makes them get outside and socialize is not in their right mind. People arent just chasing around imaginary creatures. They’re making friends, getting out of their rooms, using their imagination. This app is doing amazing things. So before you start to poke fun at those who play it, try it! There’s a Pokemon for everyone, mine being an Eevee.

This is one of those things that isn’t going to die out. So if you havent already given it a go, try it out. Becuause it’s not just some app. It’s the begining of a new era.



Nikki Ventura
Year One KSU

A cat enthusiast who studies at KSU, so I can spend more time with cats and get paid for it.