Photo by Marcus Ginns

Print is not dead

Hiut Denim Co
Yearbook two
Published in
1 min readJan 10, 2018


I knew an art director who used to say, “It’s the authority of print.”

It was his way of saying that an idea grew in importance once printed.

Print has the power to do that.

But print that uses beautiful paper, great design and well - chosen words, does it best all.

So, despite everyone saying print is dead, it is not. In fact, it is having a re-birth. More great titles come out each week.

Print that is considered and intelligently written is having it’s moment again.

Titles like Monocle, like Dumbo Feather, Inventory and Kinfolk are pioneering the way forward. And people are buying them.

Print is not dead.

But average print is.

The above was an excerpt from Hiut Denim Co. — YearBook 2. We only printed 2000. They have all sold out. But you can get a free digital version of YearBook 1 when you sign up for our newsletter here.



Hiut Denim Co
Yearbook two

Our town is making jeans again. Founders: @DavidHieatt & @ClareHieatt Do one thing well.