Yearn State of the Vaults #20

Yearn State of the Vaults
3 min readMar 6, 2021

Week ending March 7, 2021

Written by @dudesahn, @ceazor, & @qosmonot


Welcome to the State of the Vaults — a weekly newsletter summarizing yVault-related updates as well as current APYs and boost levels. For complete vault strategy descriptions and the actions (strategies) these vaults are performing, please visit The Vaults at Yearn.

News 📢🐦

Ceazor asks about the State of The State of the Vaults

Ceazor asked for feedback from readers about whether The State of the Vaults publication would be a better read if it were condensed. Although, fair divide, the condensed won out.
As a result, the weekly edition of State of the Vaults will from now on contain news and updates about the vaults, while the detailed descriptions of the vaults and how they operate will be made available separately, in a single maintained post: The Vaults at Yearn.

Andre Cronje shows DAI to Die For

This is what multi-strategy looks like. 2 new strategies have been added to the v2 DAI yVault: an Iron Bank leveraged Compound farming strategy, and a generic lender that lends DAI to dYdX and C.R.E.A.M protocols.

✨ New Vault — v2 WETH yVault (yvWETH)

Our new ETH vault V2 has been released!

✨NEW StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser
Lends WETH (ETH) on Alpha Homora to gain interest.

✨NEW StrategysteCurveWETHSingleSided
Supplies WETH to the liquidity pool on Curve here to obtain steCRV tokens which it then puts into the v2 Curve stETH Pool yVault (yvsteCRV)to gain yield.

💰 Current APY: 12.85%

❕ Vault Update — v2 DAI yVault (yvDAI)📺

Two new strategies have been added to this vault!

✨NEW StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser
Split lends DAI on dYdX and C.R.E.A.M. to gain interest. The proportions are adjusted each time the strategy calls harvest.

✨NEW IBLevComp
Supplies DAI on Compound and borrows an additional amount of DAI via a flashloan from the Iron Bank to maximize COMP farming. Earned COMP is harvested and sold for more DAI and re-deposited into the vault.

💰 Current APY: 22.27%

Useful Vault Links 🔗

🐶, 🥪, and 👨‍🚀

