Yearn State of the Vaults #24

Week ending April 4th, 2021

Yearn State of the Vaults
3 min readApr 3, 2021


Written by @dudesahn, @ceazor, & @qosmonot


Welcome to the State of the Vaults — a weekly newsletter summarizing yVault-related updates, newly launched yVaults and vault strategies. For complete vault descriptions and the actions (strategies) these vaults are performing, please visit The Vaults at Yearn.

News 📢🐦

The Iron Bank yVault

Ceazor walks us through the Iron Bank Curve yVault and its opportunity for high returns, and the thought process when considering ROIs and cost of entry.

Curve gauge scale tipping towards Iron Bank

The Curve Iron Bank gauge weights for this period are exploding. Yearn has used its veCRV balance to vote on the Iron Bank gauge and increase the amount of CRV rewards allocated to it. APY for the crvIB yVault is currently 51.05%

From checking account to DeFi in a click

Entering Yearn vaults has never been easier. Directly from fiat to yearn vaults. Optimized with low gas fees, courtesy of Dharma.

Vault Updates

Several new strategies have been deployed for some v2 vaults listed below.

v2 USDC yVault (yvUSDC)

Supplies USDC on Compound and borrows an additional amount of USDC from Iron Bank to maximize COMP farming. Earned COMP is harvested, sold for more USDC and re-deposited into the vault.

Deposits USDC to a USDC Curve Pool on, and alternates between pools according to whichever is the most profitable.

v2 DAI yVault (yvDAI)

Supplies DAI to Idle Finance to farm COMP and IDLE. Rewards are harvested, sold for more DAI, and deposited back to the vault.

Deposits DAI to a DAI Curve Pool on, and alternates between pools according to whichever is the most profitable.

v2 WETH yVault (yvWETH)

Supplies WETH on Idle Finance to farm COMP and IDLE. Rewards are harvested, sold for more WETH, and deposited back to the vault.

Supplies WETH to the ETH-stETH liquidity pool on Curve to obtain steCRV tokens which it then puts into the v2 Curve stETH Pool yVault (yvsteCRV) to earn yield.

Useful Vault Links 🔗

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