Our core values : who we are and what matters to us

We use these core values every day for building our product, talking to customers and growing our organization

Romain Pchr
4 min readApr 24, 2019


At Yeeld, we think that defining and formalizing our company values helps us build the best possible product for our users and create a great work environment for our employees. Of course, these values could evolve over time, but they do have an impact on our work and our product on a daily basis, so it’s important for us to have a shared reference.

Default to transparency

🤝 Trust comes out of transparency with our users: one of our primary goals is to build a clear and understandable product for our users. We communicate clear and transparent prices, we don’t hesitate to blame ourselves when a user encounters a bug, we explain every decision we make that impacts our users.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Within the team, all information is transparent by default: first of all, we make sure everyone has access to all discussions using only public communication channels. We choose our tools carefully and make proper use of them to allow an open communication, including all emails sent to the outside world that are made available to every employee. We also share all success, failures, ongoing fundraising and KPIs with the team.

⌨️ Efficient communication: we mainly use written and asynchronous communication. This helps everyone stay on the same page, encourages fact based propositions, and allows people to take time to defend an idea and craft their response. Also, thanks to the tools we are using, it is really simple to refer to a past conversation during a discussion. As a consequence, we have no recurring meetings, and very few meetings in general.

We encourage kindness

💆‍♂️We care about our users: we are working to solve an important societal problem. We want to have a positive impact on our users’ lives, and we try our very best to offer them the best solutions. We attach particular importance to providing excellent customer support, and we make sure every employee interacts with real customers on a regular basis.

🔑 and we respect their privacy: our system processes actual personal financial data, and our users trust us with that. We take this issue very seriously by keeping their data super safe, and we provide a limited access to our employees.

👐 People in our team help each other: we try to maximize collaboration so that no one has to feel alone to solve any issue. There is no such thing as ego or individual performance at Yeeld: teams have shared goals and we favor good ideas over top-down instructions. We encourage peer review for every contribution to make our work even stronger and allow anyone to give their input.

😁 Happiness at work ≠ bullshit: we hire smart people and we believe they can’t reach a high performance without being happy. We favor quality over quantity of work, we are flexible and transparent regarding work hours, remote work and holidays. We also ensure everyone has the support of the company to grow and always gain new knowledge.

👍 We give feedback using Radical Candor: we encourage regular 1:1 meetings between people. It is not reserved to manager-managed relationships and it can happen between any two colleagues. People use 1:1 to give straight and honest feedback and have to show that they care about the other.

We want to be smart performers

🏄‍♀️ Ownership and accountability: we have a team of exceptional people with great potential. In particular, we want them to be able to make good local decisions (transparency & feedback help a lot) and we expect them to be accountable for their decisions and their projects. Also, everyone gets a chance to comment, challenge and improve important ideas and decisions for the company, including topics from other teams.

📈 We measure performance: we are very cautious about what we call performance. We measure what matters, and the OKR method used by the whole company allows individuals and teams to align on shared and measurable goals.

♾ Unlimited ambition: the banking industry is currently controlled by large companies that generate massive revenues with next to zero innovation. We want to challenge the status quo in this huge market by always offering innovative solutions to real people who actually need it. This ambition is also true for our team. The tech industry is a fascinating and messy ecosystem. In this time of knowledge and information overflow, we want to help every person in our team use the right sources and inspirations (including inside the team) to grow fast and high for their career.



Romain Pchr

Eng Manager at Pennylane. Ex Co-founder & CTO @ Yeeld and Eventmaker