Emoji’s will increase conversion ratio on browser push notifications

Sonali Hirave
Yeello | Digital Marketing Platform
4 min readNov 24, 2017

The world is moving too fastest ever with help of technology. Technology has invented so many thing so far. Emoji’s one of such inventions, now a days emoji’s are becoming globally accepted another language. Emojis have already been found to be the fastest growing language in Britain. With a very large number of them being sent every day, there is no doubt that emojis have indeed become a regular way of expressing emotions and words, without having to give an elaborate description. This helps in communicating marketing campaigns effectively and easily.

Are these colorful symbols are the new way of communication?

Browser push notifications with emojis

Recent research shows that emojis are used not only by young peoples — in fact, 92% of people use emoji and more than 30% use emojis several times a day, according to a report published by the Emoji Research Team. Not in text messages only, they are literally everywhere today — as decoration in high fashion collections, in movies, emails, social media.

Since emojis became an integral part of our daily lives, many marketing companies were eager to explore how the use of emojis in marketing communications can help user engagement.

On the other hand push notifications becoming one of the globally accepted digital marketing channel. Many are claiming that push notifications actually has greater conversion ration than email. Lets see how emoji’s are increasing conversion on push notifications.

When we analyzed the open rates of push notifications that contained emojis, versus push notifications that did not contain emojis, there was a definite increase.

Push notifications without emojis saw a 2.44% open rate. Push notifications with emojis saw a 4.51% open rate.

Additional benefits of using these in your web push notifications to increase user engagement:

1. Android emoji push notifications have higher open rates than iOS emoji push notifications:

iOS push notifications with emojis are opened 50%t more often than notifications without emojis, while Android push notifications are opened 135% more often than notifications without emojis.

2. Emoji push notifications can increase conversions by 9%:

Emojis that were A/B tested in push notifications led to a 9% increase in users who clicked the notification’s call-to-action, suggesting that emojis lead to a boost in conversions.

3. Real-time engagement with customers:

Push notifications are a new and trending channel of communication. They are attention grabbing and can be used to convey your message in real time. When you combine them with emojis, a language spoken by 92% of the internet, you will see an increase in user engagement.

4. Emojis can lift app retention rates:

Emojis that were A/B tested in push notifications led to a 28% lift in day two retention, helping mobile brands ensure continued app adoption.

5. The 25 most powerful emojis, revealed:

The report also lists the 25 emojis that are most likely to increase your push notification open rates. Each of these emojis had a high average open rate. These high-performing emojis can help you boost your push notification engagement and conversion rates.


6. Emojis perform better than images:

In-app message A/B tests comparing emojis against simple images revealed that emoji variants outperformed the image versions — also by 9%.

7. Faster and easier communication with your audience:

Now that we understand the effect of emojis on engagement, we set out to examine who is impacted the most. There is faster and easier communication rate with your audience. millennial’s engage more often with emojis.

As you can see, the possibilities of increasing conversion through Push Notifications are many. You can implement Push Notifications with emoji’s to use your marketing strategy, you’ll be amazed at the results!

You can use our multi-channel digital marketing platform Yeello for browser push notifications. Yeello can help you reduce your marketing efforts, sign up for free now to get the early joiners benefit!

Thank you!




Sonali Hirave
Yeello | Digital Marketing Platform

Self-thought Software developer, with past experience in Graphics Designing, & Digital Marketing. I like to learn & explore new things.