What is the smartest way to building backlinks on your website?

Sonali Hirave
Yeello | Digital Marketing Platform
4 min readNov 3, 2017

You have your online presence via the website. You want to keep an eye on your Google rankings. When a search engine crawls your website it looks in particular for your website’s backlinks, to understand how your pages are connected to one other and in what ways. Certainly, there are hundreds of ranking factors. But backlinks represent the most important metric for SEO.



You can build backlinks using smart way and without spamming other sites. If you are is in a boring niche, getting quality backlinks can be challenging. Keep reading and I will show you seven smart ways to do build links that will make things easier for you.

1. Monitor competitors links

Monitor your competitor’s backlinks is not enough. You should also create your own backlink.

Whether it’s a mention on social media, a forum, or a website, you’ll know by using some tools, like SEMrush, monitor backlinks you can use your own preferred tools.

2. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is one of the best ways to make yourself heard on the internet. You can engage with already established audiences and interact with other people from your niche. It’s a great way building more audience on social media, driving traffic, as well as building quality backlinks.

3. Broken link building

Websites move their content around, eventually, some links will lead to empty locations. Users arrive looking for a resource and find an error page.

A lesser-known way to build backlinks is called the broken link building technique. This involves finding 404 errors or similar problems on a blogger’s website.You’re doing them a favor, they might reward your help by linking out to your website. These backlinks are commonly found on resource pages where bloggers link to third-party sites.

You can easily identify broken links using the Google Chrome Extension called Check My Links. After finding these issues, reach out to the webmaster and tell them about the problem. Give them direct instructions and make it easy for them to identify and fix the mistake.

4. Build a solid internal linking structure

Internal links are a key factor for running a successful website or blogging site. They are passing link juice, and you can use your anchor texts. With a good internal linking structure, you can help users easily navigate through your website and increase the overall user experience.

There are various tools can create internal links on your website, especially if you can drive WordPress site and create internal links manually.

5. Article Submissions

This is again an important method for link building. It does work pretty well but you need to do great article submissions in a large amount.

Article submission is the best way to rank your website in the top. Submitting few articles doesn’t work, you have to do lots of submissions and see your results. Keep submitting till you hit the number one position. Submitting articles is also a hectic task so you can use Article Marketing tools also.

6. Use infographics to build backlinks

For the past few years, infographics have been one of the most popular link building methods. Since 2009, the demand for infographics has been very high. It not only great for building backlinks, but also for driving traffic from social media. If you’re not a designer, you can hire someone to create an infographic for you start. If you want a better-looking infographic, you can use Dribbble to find professional designers.

Once you’ve created the infographic and published it on your site, you can submit it to social media and any other infographics site.

7. Promote your best content

The content is a so useful, super quality and powerful. People are automatically to share it naturally.

If you publish effective content that people enjoy while reading then they will definitely share it, like it and tweet it. You will get ranked for a lot of keywords. Concentrate on link bait and do it consistently.

If you are able to do that then your readers and visitors will share your content and build your link building process. The more customers you talk to, the higher the chances of getting your content shared. Things will be a lot of matter once you create a few good relationships with well-known great bloggers from your field.


Link building remains one of the most effective ways to rank better and drive more traffic that’s also more targeted your customers. Your creativity matters a lot and your dedication towards your business and website will lead you to generate high-quality backlinks in great volume.

Thanks for reading!


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Sonali Hirave
Yeello | Digital Marketing Platform

Self-thought Software developer, with past experience in Graphics Designing, & Digital Marketing. I like to learn & explore new things.