6 Simple steps to connect Yekaliva and Facebook

Daniel Thomas
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2018

Integrate your bot the most used social platform “Facebook”. To learn more about Yekaliva check our help center. You may also review facebook pre-launch guidelines, quick start, and setup guide.

To integrate a bot into the facebook messenger activate the facebook messenger on a facebook page and the continue with integration.

  1. Copy Page Id:

Visit facebook devolepers page

Create a New Application in the page and generate APP ID and APP Secret for it.

Copy APP ID and APP secret and save it for later use.

2. Activating Api Access To App Settings

Activate “Allow API Access to App Settings” by changing the slider to YES under Advanced -> Security

3. Setup Messenger

Setup Facebook messenger in the new facebook App

On Dashboard click setup in the messenger.

Get Page Access Token from the messenger settings

  • Select page and click generate.
  • Copy and save the Page Access Token.

3. Activate webhooks

Find WebHooks option in the messenger settings and click Setup.

Check the messages, messaging_postbacks, messaging_optins, message_deliveries as shown.

Callback URL and Verify token will be available in the Yekaliva application.

Once add click verify and save

Subscribe to the webhooks

Select the page you want to add webhooks and click subscribe.

4. Complete the Integration

Add saved details in the Yekaliva application. Find the Facebook page ID in the about section of a page.

5. Submit For Review

Submit your application for the review that should oblige facebook policies and terms and conditions. It may take 3–4 working days.

6. Make the App public and publish the Page
In order to make the application to available to everyone change the slider in review section Yes.

After the review is successful, in the App Dashboard under App Review, set the app to Public. Ensure that the Facebook Page associated with this bot is published. Status appears in Pages settings.



Daniel Thomas

Conversation Designer. Chatbot Enthusiast. I spend my free time watching old TV shows. Follow @yekaliva to know more.