The Best of the Yellow Network Team AMA Hosted on May 10th

We have identified eight main questions to give you a more complete picture of what Yellow Network is about, what are our plans and future options for community development.

The Yellow Network Blog
4 min readMay 31, 2022


First of all, we want to thank all who joined — we are thrilled to see such a dedicated and supportive Yellow community that is growing day by day. We have a tremendous amount of giveaways, bounties, and other engaging activities planned, so stay tuned and keep an eye out for more Yellow news and announcements. In this article, we will go through the most fascinating takeaways in the form of Q&A shared by our team during the event. The team who answered all your curious questions: Camille Meulien, our CTO and crypto tech geek, talented software architect & fintech professional; Anastasiia Bobeshko, our CMO and marketing visionary and technology enthusiast who knows perfectly how to establish the best product brand and win the crypto market; Stas Liutenko, Sales Lead, who deeply cares about the company’s future and is always the one to offer you a better deal; Ivan Osypchuk, Business Analyst, who enjoys cryptocurrency and transforms the global vision into an actual product.

Q: What is Yellow Group?
A: Yellow is an umbrella brand for a number of companies and activities that we’re doing in the crypto space. There is, which is an exchange and we also have Yellow Capital, a VC fund. We are helping promising project startups to get out there, and provide multi-level support through Yellow Incubator. Our core is the Yellow Network, powered by the white-label exchange software OpenDAXTM (developed by Openware, which is also a part of our group). The merger between Yellow and Openware was finalized in December.

We also have many other parts of the Yellow Group, including a market-making agency, basically we’re providing all types of services associated with crypto space.

Q: When is $YELLOW Launch?
A: This is probably the most popular question we’ve had in the chat over the last two weeks. So usually, the question sounds like “When is the launch?”. And we decided to split this question into two because there are two separate things that we are launching. The first one is $YELLOW. The second one is the Yellow Network as a product. There is no problem for us to launch the token itself and develop a smart contract, which is already done. What we are mostly doing today is finalizing those small things before the launch. We are having our conversations with the major market players in order to get a smooth launch. We are going to launch the token tentatively at the end of this summer.

Q: How can you get $YELLOW tokens?
A: We still have one of our private rounds open while our previous rounds have been filled up quite fast. Sо currently you can participate in the round called Private D, which is available for pretty much anyone with a minimum ticket size of $5,000 US dollars.

Q: When will $YELLOW be available on Binance?
A: The negotiation process with big guys like Binance usually takes a lot in terms of the legal issues, when things getting finalized and approved. We’re back and forth with everything, so stay tuned for further updates.

Q: Are there already brokers who have entered into a partnership with you?
A: During the last year, 2021, with the active sales, we have built around 13 new brokers, and many of them today are going to join Yellow Network and will be installing the latest version of the OpenDAXTM software, which supports the Yellow Network. So, those will be the initial brokers who will join the network. Also, we are getting quite a few new ones today. Just some statistics: we receive around 40 applications to join from people who want to develop their brokerage during the week — just one week. That’s quite a significant number of the interest from brokers going into it.

Q: Considering the architecture of the Yellow Network, designed to be a B2B platform, is everyone able to join and trade?
A: Speaking about users — absolutely yes. They’re not restricted. Any user can be, let’s say, a participant of the network regarding the broker he’s using. In case you want to participate as a part who sets up his own node, you can absolutely do it the same way. Of course you will need to get a bigger piece of knowledge, and get a bigger piece of assets and time, which you have to accumulate to come in. So basically there is no stop sign for you to be a participant of this network.

Q: Is Yellow accessible to all countries, or are there restrictions for regions or locations, both for the token sale and the decks?
A: We are following the restrictions set mainly by the US. So there are the restrictions for the countries that are usually blacklisted for the sale.

Q: Is the liquidity centralized by Yellow or will each exchange manage its own liquidity?
A: We’re not centralizing the liquidity of the exchanges. It would be a centralized exchange network then. It’s not something we try to achieve, but what Yellow is doing, is as a sort of adjudicator.

View full AMA with Yellow Team:

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