Level up!

Janne K. Jääskeläinen
Yellow Mineral Industries
1 min readJul 29, 2011

Hello, my little boy. I know you will worship me, hate me, and finally, outgrow my views and values. Its ok. We all have lived through that in our lives. I just hope I wont mess you up the same way I was messed up. I probably invent some new ways. I know that I am a bit of a cold person. I have no sympathy for idiots or people who I don’t know, but you made my heart explode. I haven’t felt anything that strong since I was a child. I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t stand up straight. If I could cry, I would have. I am so proud of you and of your strong mother.

You are my boy. Welcome to this world. I love you. ❤

Originally published at www.yellowmineralindustries.com on July 29, 2011.



Janne K. Jääskeläinen
Yellow Mineral Industries

Author ★ Geekmeganerd ★ Turnaround specialist ★ 🍣🏋️🕹📷📇🎣👔⌚️🎧