The Yellowbird Fellowship

Want to help make financial education easier?

Alphonso Jordan
2 min readJul 6, 2017


I imagine some of you, well most of you are unfamiliar with Yellowbird and what we do. So I’ll give you brief introduction. We’re making financial education easier for a younger audience to help solve the pretty widespread problem of financial illiteracy and irresponsibility since it is seldom taught in schools or in households.

If this seems like a big task, that’s because it is. Teaching a lot of people financial education that have various starting points is a BIG tasks, but what are solutions without challenges, eh? With that being said, we know we’ll need some help from passionate, purpose-driven individuals that want to change the world, as we know it.

What exactly is The Yellowbird Fellowship?

I’m glad you asked. The Yellowbird Fellowship is a 3–4 month unpaid internship that helps Yellowbird create awesome products, that ultimately, helps serve our users. You’ll work closely with the Yellowbird team and see what it takes to build a startup from the ground up. We currently have 4 different types of fellowships available:

  1. Creative: Design is a vital part of our solution, so if you’re an illustrator and/or designer, this is the fellowship for you.
  2. Content: Excellent content is our top priority. When a contributor writes a piece or curates a lesson for Yellowbird, it’s up to us to ensure that the Yellowbird tone comes across clearly.
  3. Marketing: Polish your marketing prowess by helping us build our presence across multiple channels.
  4. Research: Help us to stay up-to-date on industry standards, surveys, etc. and ways we can improve our strategies and solutions.

As we continue to build the company, we’ll continue to provide a value to not only our users, but also to our fellows. We value what you value and want to be able to pour into your endeavors. This can range from mentorship, recommendations, help with a side project, etc. We’ll also provide a nice incentive (nothing better than owning something) should you be brought on as a fellow.

If we’ve piqued your interest, you can find out more information at



Alphonso Jordan

A designpreneur. Making it up as I go. Founder of @getyellowbird.