YellowBlocks News
Published in
5 min readOct 11, 2019

YellowBlocks, the first emerging tech ecosystem connector in Vietnam, commits to dedicate our resources to support and empower the digital transformation and emerging technology development in Vietnam ecosystem.


  • Engaged directly with all industry peers and professionals in the exhibition booth
  • With our strategic partners Onpun, Startup Vietnam Foundation (SVF), Viettel and our key advisors David Lang, Tony Wheeler discussed issues facing key industries in digital transformation era.
  • Joined the Roundtable Discussion and the VIP dinner for idea-sharing and relationship building to broaden the impacts on the innovation and digital transformation ecosystem in Vietnam

International Exposition

Beside 01 high-level forum, and 05 conference sessions, Vietnam Industry 4.0 Summit 2019 includes the international exposition showcasing the state of the art 4.0 technologies from 80+ world-class solution providers.

At the YellowBlocks’s exhibition booth

With our strategic partners Onpun, Startup Vietnam Foundation (SVF), Viettel and our key advisors David Lang, Tony Wheeler discussed issues facing key industries in digital transformation era.

Vietnam Industry 4.0 Summit 2019 includes 01 high-level forum, and 05 conference sessions

High-level Forum
Vietnam’s strategy & Action plan in proactively embracing the fourth industrial revolution
Led by:
– Deputy Prime Minister
– Chairman of the Central Economic Commission
– Vice Chairman of the National Assembly
– Minister of the Office of the Government
– Minister of Planning & Investment,
– Minister of Information & Communications
– Chairman of Committee on Science, Technology and Environment of the National Assembly
Joined by high-profile representatives from:
– Gartner Inc., Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT), Viettel Group, TPBank, FPT, Qualcomm Incorporated, Samsung Vina Electronics, Be Group, Grab, Ericsson

  • Conference Session 1 — Banking Innovation: Accelerating Digital Transformation in Banking
    Led by Vice Chairman of Central Economic Commission, and joined by high-profile representatives from State Bank of Vietnam, McKinsey & Company, Vietcombank, TP Bank, Weshare Financial Group…
  • Conference Session 2 — Smart City: Building Smart City In The National Digital Transformation Process
    Led by Deputy Minister of Information & Communication, Deputy Minister of Construction, Chairman of Vietnam Digital Communication Association.
    Joined by high-profile representatives from Korean Smart City Special committee, VNPT-IT, Samsung Vina Electronics, Dell Technologies, FPT Information System, Bosch Building Technologies…
  • Conference Session 3 — Smart Manufacturing: Digital Transformation: The Future of Smart Manufacturing
    Led by Vice chairman of the Central Economic Commission, Director General of Ministry of Industry & Trade, Chairman of Vietnam Automation Association.
    Joined by high-profile representatives from Autotech Vietnam, ABeam Consulting Vietnam, ABB Vietnam, Siemens ASEAN, Qualcomm Technology Licensing, Advantech…
  • Conference Session 4 — Smart Energy: Smart Energy Development: Strategic Priority In National Digital Transformation
    Led by the Central Economic Commission, Deputy Minister of Industry & Trade
    Joined by high-profile representatives from McKinsey & Company, Schneider Electric, EVN, Wartsila Middle East & Asia.
  • Conference Session 5 — Digital Economy: Developing E-commerce Towards Driving Digital Economy In Vietnam
    Led by Central Economic Commission, Ministry of Industry & Trade, Vietnam E-commerce Association
    Joined by high-profile representatives from SAP, VNPT Fintech, Sendo Technology, Campus K, and YellowBlocks

Among these above Conference Sessions, the Conference Session 5 — Digital Economy is the most critical and fruity content session. It led by Central Economic Commission, Ministry of Industry & Trade, Vietnam E-commerce Association.

Together with other high-profile representatives from SAP, VNPT Fintech, Sendo Technology, Campus K, Mr David Lang, key advisor of YellowBlocks joined Roundtable Discussion for idea-sharing and relationship building towards Driving Digital Economy In Vietnam.

Read Mr David Lang sharing about Digital Transformation:

By the way, Grab, Southeast Asia’s leading start-up with an estimated valuation of about US$14 billion, just announced a plan to invest $500 million USD into Vietnam this September to spur development of the country’s digital economy.

Read more about Grab’s Phenomenal Growth: written by Doan Kieu My, founder of YellowBlocks

Our commitment

The 2019 witnessed huge activities both from the government and supporting forces to push forward the valuable initiatives to contribute to Vietnam’s Digital Strategy 2020–2035.

Together with our strategic partners and key advisors, YellowBlocks, the first emerging tech ecosystem connector in Vietnam, commits to dedicate our resources to support and empower the digital transformation and emerging technology development in Vietnam ecosystem.

Join our Chuyển Đổi Số Việt Nam a community focusing on sharing the trending news about Digital Transformation around the globe and Vietnam:


The Industry 4.0 summit is the only high-level summit hosted by the Central Economic Commission, and content directed by Ministry of Planning & Investment, Ministry of Science & Technology, Ministry of Information & Communication, Ministry of Construction, State bank of Vietnam.

About YellowBlocks

Established in 2018, YellowBlocks is the first emerging tech ecosystem connector and consulting firm for Vietnam and the world. We have more than 100 partners and 80 advisors globally, with an extended reach of 100,000+ audience in the tech/ startup space.


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YellowBlocks News

We are the trusted business/marketing consulting firm and B2B connector — the gateway to and from Vietnam and the world, in regards to emerging tech ecosystem.