Are you easy to work with, church pastor?

Yellowbox Creative
Yellowbox Creative


Create an environment that brings out the best in people.

The fading, old mantra of a team being only as strong as the weakest link has rung true since the beginning of time. And whenever there happens to be a chain of command present in an organization, it is each member’s responsibility not only to support each other—but to ensure they’re contributing to an environment that is welcoming, friendly, and sets the team up for success. If you’re a leader, one of your biggest responsibilities is making sure that all these needs are met, and then some.

Yes, there will be occasions when deadlines call for crunch time (and the new intern somehow breaks the copy machine), but each moment of pressure and stress is a pivotal opportunity to shine. It’s a chance to steer towards victory, keep your composure and come out the other side with a win.

But what about those everyday moments when things aren’t (as) stressful? What about the day-to-day environment that needs to be productive, creative and — most importantly — happy?

Be the change.

If you’re a leader, you set the example for your team. Call it an altruistic goal, but your team’s success should exist beyond the workplace. Providing a culture of optimism shows not only how much you care about accomplishing the goal at hand, but also that there’s an intentional relationship there.

This relationship stems from great communication—a discipline that’s a two-way street. Have open dialogue with your team and always feel comfortable asking your team how you’re doing.

Ask and listen—and do it again.

Speaking of asking, you should be doing that frequently. As your team grows and changes, adaptability is your biggest asset. Your intuition is a great way to gauge what route you need to direct people to, but most times, a simple meeting in an open and welcoming environment can provide insight you probably have never thought of.

When you and your team have conversations together, your listening skills are tested. You may hear an idea or thought and immediately think you couldn’t execute a particular solution to a problem, but that might bring you back to square one. Set a next step, and be vocal about pushing toward a solution and carry out what you say. Listen to your team and come to a solution that everyone is happy about.

Do an emotional self-audit.

What does it mean to do an emotional self-audit? (1) Take a step back, (2) analyze factors like workload and happiness, then (3) make an objective decision about whether or not your behavior reflects your intention.

By assessing your emotional self-capacity, you’ll have an easier time putting yourself in other people’s shoes. You’ll have an opportunity to learn about your team, build stronger connections and foster an environment where people will want to work.

The end goal should always be maintaining an environment where your team flourishes. As the guiding force behind your team, this is your chance to ensure that your team can come in everyday thankful and ambitious for the Kingdom.

If you found this article informative and helpful, please share! And don’t forget to keep a lookout for incoming resources for churches and ministries from Yellowbox Creative.

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Yellowbox Creative
Yellowbox Creative

We help churches and ministries launch strong, grow deep and tell stories that engage and inspire.