Easter is (and was) just the beginning

Kevin Daughtry
Yellowbox Creative
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2019

Here’s to hoping that Easter mailer is on its way… but then what?

Easter is the Super Bowl of Sundays. We spare no expense on gimmicks, easter eggs, marketing outlets and bunny costumes. And if we’re honest with ourselves, bunny costumes are a little bit freaky.

But we also treat Easter with a certain level of respect, because we know people will show up — even if we don’t try that hard to get them there. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, nearly 71% of Americans identify as Christian (whatever that means) — and more than 50% of Christians will attend Easter Sunday services. That’s a huge opportunity for all churches across the nation, not to mention the potential to reach the unchurched as they look for truth.

Easter is an opportunity, but it has to be seized. So, are you ready? Maybe it’s wise to pull out all the stops, and make it a big deal — because it is!

The biggest question is how you’ll prompt visitors to return. How will you show them that your church are welcoming, loving, and understanding of the struggles they’re walking through when they aren’t busy trying to wrangle their kids through a festive Easter Egg extravaganzas? How will you connect them to a community, rather than just a solitary Sunday?

Here’s a few tips to consider with your team as you ramp up.

  1. Let people know what they can expect if they return. While this Sunday is culturally important, the chance for an ongoing relationship could be dependent on a visiting family’s inclination to join you next Sunday. Advertise the next series that you’re planning — ideally a series that focuses on felt needs that identify with potentials.
  2. Present who you are clearly. It’s easy to get caught up in the festivities, but make sure that your church’s culture and community are clearly identifiable beyond all the extra elements you’ve added for Easter.
  3. Tell the Easter story from a different angle. Storytelling is important, and the route you take to present the horrific truth and glorious wonder of Easter matters. And keep a standard that’s sustainable as you move on from this special day. Show that you’re capable of breaking down truths that connect with any level of faith — or no faith at all.
  4. Be ready for the big crowd — and the follow up. From the parking lot to the kids church check-in, make sure that your team is tuned in and ready to go. And that attitude can’t dissipate once the service ends. Now, it’s time to follow up and connect with those who attended, whether that’s through digital advertising, email, or in-person prompting.
  5. Be just as intentional post-Easter. This isn’t over. Your success can’t be measured in large pushes during Easter or Thanksgiving or Christmas or even that Fourth of July cookout when you play ultimate frisbee with the high-schoolers. This is an ongoing grind that deserves your creativity and attention at every moment.

The content of this article is featured in an episode of the Yellowbox Creative Podcast, currently available through the following outlets:

iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Buzzsprout

If you found this article informative and helpful, please share! And don’t forget to keep a lookout for incoming resources for churches and ministries from Yellowbox Creative.

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(1) Launching a church plant?
(2) Designing your church series?
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