In (Graphic) Design as it is in Heaven.

Can the visual arts point people towards the Lord?

Yellowbox Creative
Yellowbox Creative
3 min readDec 12, 2017


There are all kinds of churches throughout the world. Some who’ve unabashedly embraced visual mediums and graphic design to tell their story vibrantly, and others who’ve opted for a more low-key approach. Did you get the feeling that we’re biased towards the former?

It seems that there are three camps of churches: (1) Churches who aren’t yet convinced that art is needed—rather, they’re confident that a sovereign God and Scripture is all that’s needed to reach the masses. (2) Churches who value the arts because they aren’t necessarily convinced that the Bible will seal the deal on its own, and they need to be relevant to reach the masses. And finally, (3) Churches who understand that excellence in the visual arts AND a sovereign God aren’t mutually exclusive.

Why is design important?

As Christ-followers, it’s important for people to hear truth. To hear biblical knowledge that leads a person towards a mighty God. As Christians, we know this. But as creatives and designers, we know that thoughtful design can help people focus. Good design removes distractions and creates a lane for people to hear the most crucial messages.

Producing impressive content gives a church team materials and outreach collateral that they can be proud of passing out in the community. It helps align a pastor’s vision with his team and empowers them to share information faster and more efficiently. With good design, visitors aren’t confused by overwhelming information, but instead quickly realize which ministries are offered and what services are provided by the church.

Excellence as a motto.

Imagine how much easier outreach would be if your church’s service, design and visuals were so excellent that they inspired visitors so much that they couldn’t help but tell their friends about their experience.

One of the most powerful descriptions of excellence can be found in 1 Corinthians 9:24, a call to action from Paul: “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.”

The church needs people who do excellent work. And our excellence isn’t determined by comparing attendance numbers or by looking for a five-star review in the weekly paper. Pursuing excellence is doing our best with what we have. Take what the Lord is accomplishing through your church and discover a way to advertise it to the world so that it looks as excellent as it is. What a challenge, and an honor.

If you found this article informative and helpful, please share! And don’t forget to keep a lookout for incoming resources for churches and ministries from Yellowbox Creative.

Do you need help:
(1) Launching a church plant?
(2) Designing your church series?
(3) Nurturing a creative community?

At Yellowbox, we empower churches and ministries with the tools, coaching and resources they need to reach real people. With that creative support, church outreach is no longer intrusive — it becomes a catalyst for community.



Yellowbox Creative
Yellowbox Creative

We help churches and ministries launch strong, grow deep and tell stories that engage and inspire.