Seven Reasons Branding Is Important For The Local Church.

Your brand, your church, your personality can’t be summed up in just a simple logo.

Yellowbox Creative
Yellowbox Creative
Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2017


What’s your next step?

Most people are under the impression that a church’s “brand” is just a logo, a mark or some signage in the lobby as people come in for a cup of coffee early on a Sunday morning. But branding is so much more than that — it’s who you are. Your brand, your church, your personality can’t be summed up in just a simple logo. Your brand encompasses your values, your people and the message that you share with the world.

And that can seem like a daunting task, to wrangle all of that into an enjoyable experience for the members, visitors and families that attend your church. But it doesn’t have to be a hard task. Rather, it’s an opportunity for your church to revamp visually, to inspire and motivate the church’s internal team, and to show your community who you are and what you’re trying to accomplish.

To fully comprehend your brand, you probably should sit down, and block out some time to think about the full experience that someone would have at your church. And by that, we mean everything: logo and design, messaging, sermon style, website, how you greet new visitors, the type of coffee, your presence in the community and whether someone cleaned your restrooms anytime in the last month or two. It’s critical to understand everything that contributes to your church’s brand. Get with your team (or get with ours!), go through a brand workshop, and come out on the other side with marching orders.

But once you’ve started taking the needed steps towards a clear and approachable brand, you’ll start to see the benefits right away! Here are seven ways that branding could take your church to the next level.

You can be relevant.
Design is becoming more and more prevalent in society — churches are no longer just sticking to basic typography and a thirty-year-old logo. With a brand that’s fresh, personable and exciting, you can present your church as forward-thinking and timeless.

You can stay top of mind.
There’s something called the “rule of seven” — one of the oldest concepts in marketing. It states that someone has to notice a brand or message SEVEN times before they take action. Branding that’s consistent and eye-catching will help potential visitors recognize your church and more willing to check it out.

You can increase participation.
When people think highly of your church — they just want to be involved. Members perceive participation in events and programs as a volunteer as needed and necessary.

You can stand out from the crowd.
In the community, every church team wants to stand apart and stand out. Rather than being in competition with other churches, it’s about your church living its mission in a powerful and unique way. A complete brand will help you stand out and show off who YOU are, not anyone else.

You will show people what they can expect.
When things are consistent, people know what to expect when they come to visit. They’re never surprised or unsure of what they will interact with visiting on a Sunday.

You can show people what you stand for.
Your core values, what your church champions and the attitude with which you approach things make you who you are. And telling that story shows your audience who you are. It’s crucial that people hear your church name, see your logo, and remember you for what you care about.

You can energize your team.
It’s incredibly exciting when your church’s brand is strong. You feel empowered to share about the church, you love showing people the website and inviting people to come visit. And your church’s brand strategy provides clarity that your team need to be successful. A clear vision helps a church stay focused on what they’re trying to accomplish in the community.

If you found this article informative and helpful, please share! And don’t forget to keep a lookout for incoming resources for churches and ministries from Yellowbox Creative.

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Yellowbox Creative
Yellowbox Creative

We help churches and ministries launch strong, grow deep and tell stories that engage and inspire.