What’s The Difference Between Art From The Church and Art For The Church?

Maybe it’s time to explore the relationship between the arts and the church.

Yellowbox Creative
Yellowbox Creative
3 min readDec 7, 2017


Take a stroll through church history. It’s not hard—at all—to see creativity at display. You might be staring at a Renaissance piece, wandering through an old cathedral or even listening to a modern rendition of a classic hymn (here’s looking at you, Kings Kaleidoscope). All inspired by a Creator who has instilled creativity within us to send the world back to Him.

For Christ-followers, there’s a couple of different ways to think about art. Art coming from the church, and art created for the church. Each have a place, but each serve a different purpose.

Art From The Church.

As beings made in the image of God, we’ve been graced with an ability to create. And whether we dance, or draw and paint, or write and sing—it’s all because He did it first. While we might not be skilled blacksmiths like Bezalel, our talents are useful, just the same. Take a look at Exodus 35:30–33:

See, the Lord has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, for work in every skilled craft.

Art coming out of the church is the display of creativity by a Christ-saved artist in a lost world. This is a calling, similar to a doctor or teacher, where someone has been called to create and pursue their passion with excellence. A Christian artist should fight, struggle and study to be the very best that they possible can be, because their art is working to glorify God.

Art For The Church.

This looks a little different that art coming out of the church. While art for the church might also come from the church’s members, it’s for a purpose: to edify and build up the local church. Art for the church is the work of a servant-hearted Christian who has found a way to use their passion to affect the body of Christ and point to God. It’s a tool for Him.

This is a harder one. Many times, Christians take the lines that define art for the church and confuse them with art from the church. And we’ve seen it often: many Christian artists and musicians in the spotlight are under pressure to create a particular “type” of work. Their intent is to create a personal project that shows their capabilities and excellence (art from the church), but the collective opinion of the church or their personal audience overwhelms that with a demand for a certain kind of project (art for the church).

If a song doesn’t have a clear and distinct correlation to the moral efforts of man, then we’ve started to see outrage. If a painting isn’t an interpretation of a Bible story, then we see worry. The pressure that artists face is something that no other calling has to deal with.

From and For God.

It’s time we realized that both are needed. Album sales and marketing efforts can legitimately affect the type of art that leaves an artist’s mind, even if it’s not the project that the Lord had placed on their heart. Art should both affirm and edify us as Christians AND challenge us. Both art from the church and art for the church are still for the glorification of God.

If we submit to what we feel is expected of us, rather than fighting for excellence and the edification of the church, then we’re headed in the wrong direction. Maybe it’s time to turn around.

If you found this article informative and helpful, please share! And don’t forget to keep a lookout for incoming resources for churches and ministries from Yellowbox Creative.

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Yellowbox Creative
Yellowbox Creative

We help churches and ministries launch strong, grow deep and tell stories that engage and inspire.