Low code, no code is the only way to go

Glen Rabie
Yellowfin BI


The low code, no code paradigm is an evolution in development environments. Historically, if you wanted to build a product, you went to a developer and they started from scratch building the product from the first line of code. But now people with little or no coding experience can build simple applications themselves.

Over time developers have packaged up libraries so they don’t have to write code from scratch, they can just take it from open source libraries. We’re now seeing coding products that pre-package these so people can simply drag and drop components together. These are much more than GUI centric tools — if you want to change the code behind the product you now can.

The business benefits of low code, no code

The benefit is that business people can now start to build simple applications without any code. Developers can also create applications far more rapidly and enhance those applications with a minimal amount of code, enabling businesses to bring new products to market faster.

Bringing low code, no code into analytics

Low code, no code has existed in the developer environment for a while but now we’re bringing it to analytics. Yellowfin has done this because our customers have demanded it. They want to deliver unique customer experiences and that requires them to have the ability to code around what we do.

In the no code environment, someone with minimal development skills can build an analytical application or dashboard by simply dragging and dropping components. They can even put buttons on a dashboard so people can take action directly within it, all without writing a line of code.

With low code, someone with more technical skills can actually code in the analytical application. They can create workflows and unique analytical experiences and extend the code application that they started with. For example, your data analysts can build content and then your developer can augment it to deliver the customer experience you want.

Where low code, no code is most valuable

If you analyze the usage of analytics in organizations, the vast majority of it is actually operational and this is where low code, no code is most valuable.

Operational users want a single workflow from insight to action. They want their data to prompt them about what they should do next and they want to be able to act on that immediately. You can’t do that if you can’t embed your workflow into your analytics platform. This is because it’s likely to be more difficult to embed analytics into your workflow applications. Having low code, no code in your analytics platform allows you to create and control that experience.

Having a solution that helps operational people to take action from their data directly within a dashboard is going to change the world for them. It allows them to bring products to market faster and action insights and that’s why I believe low code, no code is the future of operational analytics.

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Yellowfin CEO, Glen Rabie

