Integrating SiriKit Payment Intents into your App

Isis Ramirez
Published in
5 min readDec 4, 2019
Photo by Tyler Lastovich on Unsplash


I always thought making an iOS app interact with a virtual assistant such as Siri would be an uphill struggle. I was surprised to learn it is actually quite an easy task. Ever since iOS 12, SiriKit has been evolving in order to provide users cool new ways of interacting with their apps without even needing to open the phone. Enabling developers to potentialize functionalities with voice recognition and pre-set commands, increasing our app frequency of use and encouraging user retention.

SiriKit offers a variety of categories of recognizable commands, such as; sending messages, handling lists, notes, performing payments, booking a reservation and way more. These are called SiriKit Domains.

In this post, we are going to focus on payment intents and how to integrate them into your app. After reading this tutorial we are going to be familiarized with:

  • INSendPaymentIntent
  • INRequestPaymentIntent

Let's get started

In order to support Siri interactions, we need to configure our project, here is what we will go through:

1-. Enable Siri extension

2-. Add required frameworks

3-. Set Info.plist actions

4-. Add extension target

5-. Set Siri target capabilities

1-. Enable Siri extension

On your Xcode project select the main target and go to Signing & Capabilities. Then, click on the + icon to add the Siri capability. Note: A paid developer account is required in order to access this capability. Otherwise you won't see it listed.

2-. Add required frameworks

Go to the General tab and click on the + icon under Linked Frameworks and Libraries list. Add Intents.frameworks

3-. Set Info.plist actions

Under your Custom iOS Target Properties, add Privacy — Siri Usage Description with a value that explains the Siri integration purpose.

4-. Add extension target

Because intents are handled outside of the main app target, we need to create a new Intents Extension target. Go to File > New > Target and select Intent Extension. Allow it to be added to the scheme.

5-. Set Siri target capabilities

Once the Siri target is created correctly, you need to add both INRequestPaymentIntent and INSendPaymentIntent to its brand new Info.plist.

It’s all set! Now we are ready to start implementing our payment extensions. YAY!

Intents Extension

The out of the box intent extension target that we just created comes with a single class called IntentHandler. Because each of our intents requires its own specific handler, we are going to extend the IntentHandler as INSendPaymentIntentHandling and INRequestPaymentIntentHandling.

Intents lifecycle consists of three phases: resolve, confirm and handle.


During the resolution phase, we need to validate the individual parameters of our intents and ask SiriKit for clarifications as needed. When dealing with payments there are five main parameters we might be interested in resolving before handling the intent: payee, payer, note, currency, amount.

Do we want the user to always include a note when sending or requesting a payment? Is currency limited to USD? This is the stage when Siri is meant to help you define your required parameters.

Send Payment Resolve phase
Request Payment Resolve phase


The purpose of the confirmation phase is to perform one final check of all intent parameters and verify that we are ready to fulfill the intent before sending.

Send Payment Confirm phase
Request Payment Confirm phase


The final step. If you validate the intent successfully, SiriKit asks you to handle the intent and perform the expected action. This is the place to call your service, update database, or whatever you need to do. When you are done, report back to Siri how everything went.

Send Payment Handle phase
Request Payment Handle phase

And that's it!

Now you should be able to run your app and tell Siri “Send $10 to <Your contact name>”

Simulator running example app TinyBank

Note: Siri payment intent are only available when phone is unlocked

Handling Errors

SiriKit provides response codes to inform Siri how the intent handling went. This is your way of communicating to the user any details before proceeding or to indicate if something goes wrong along the way. Here is a list of some of codes that might be useful when integrating Siri with your app functionality.

INRequestPaymentIntentResponse/ INSendPaymentIntentResponse

  • failurePaymentsAmountAboveMaximum: The request failed because the specified amount was above the allowed maximum established by your app.
  • failurePaymentsAmountBelowMinimum: The request failed because the specified amount was below the required minimum established by your app.
  • failureCredentialsUnverified: The request failed because you couldn’t verify one of the user’s credentials.
  • failureNotEligible: The request failed because a user was not eligible to perform the transaction.
  • failureInsufficientFunds: The request failed because user does not have sufficient funds in their account to cover the transaction.


  • noValidHandle: The unique handle that you use to identify the payer is invalid or missing.
  • noAccount: The payer does not have an account in your app.

