Stabilizing Businesses during the Corona Impact

Yellow Slice
Published in
5 min readMar 23, 2020

Coronavirus: the name itself is enough to scare most of us! It seems like the “Earth is taking a break” as no one is moving out, going for work, travelling and major offices shift to work from home.

But it takes a lot to stop us Millennials from evolving. We cannot get our lives and businesses to a standstill. And, for these modern problems, we have modern solutions.

Hence, we are here to talk about the multiple ways that incorporating UX designs would enable us to work even in these tough times.

While coronaviruses have been a common reason for pneumonia for years, it is the Covid-19’s extremely contagious nature that makes the world stop still. What makes it even worse is the unavailability of a 100% proven cure.

How is UX helping various working sectors that are being affected by coronavirus?

User experience is a user’s attitude towards a particular product, system, or service. There are several aspects with which UX works, in which one of the significant elements is human-computer interaction and product ownership.

There are several ways with the help of which we can bring back a continuous flow of work by using UX in every working sector. Let us discuss everything about how UX can help various working sectors:

Let us discuss everything about how UX can help various working sectors:

Education Sector:

Schools and colleges might be shut, but education cannot go to the dogs!

Implementing the right UX designs can not only help us break through this crisis but also excel in our newest innovations.

You can take advantage of online ways of learning. Moreover, if you want to learn all the school-related studies, then here are ways such as Skype and other video calling options.

With these UX based applications, we would be able to bring out a conversation between students and teachers. Moreover, there are a number of such platforms that can create online tests and hence can produce report cards for knowing which part of a particular subject we need to work on.

Skill Development:

While most of us stay home, this is a great time to brush up on our skills and keep up with the industry.

Empower and encourage your employees to learn new skills like big data, digital marketing, python or SAP with the help of online platforms such as Udemy, SkillShare, Coursera and many more.

You may even motivate them to develop new hobbies to have a better work-life balance.

If you are an educator and on the other side of this coin, go approach businesses to sign up for you! You can even offer company and team-based dashboards to encourage some healthy competition if a company signs up with you.

Incorporate tools like Trello or team viewer and switch to using cloud services over LAN services.

Business Sector:

With offices closed for an indefinite period, work cannot come to a halt. Businesses need to run and keep their market share intact. This is exactly where implementing a more robust online and location independent interface can be of help. Incorporate tools like Trello or team viewer and switch to using cloud services over LAN services.

During all of this, do not neglect your aesthetics to ensure that employees are having fun while working on a screen for straight 8 hours.

These online platforms will ensure that no projects are delayed and everything is on track without neglecting employee health.

The Covid-19 also gives businesses an opportunity to experiment and implement permanent work from homes. The right tools and dashboards, a simple screen monitoring software and a lot of overheads such as rentals can be saved.


While restaurateurs are thinking that how can one Hotels & Restaurants can take advantage of UX products by revamping their websites and apps to convince their customers of great kitchen hygiene during this pandemic. Restaurants can also work on implementing a virtual table booking system to avoid overcrowding. This also builds a sense of safety amidst visitors.

Development Sector:

With elections coming up in many states and the mayhem that the country is in. Government offices can shut down but the work cannot stop. While no actual work can be carried out, it would be shameful if nothing can be planned either.

Thus, government websites can take their entire policy-making processes online on tools like Trello.

At the same time, it is a great opportunity to shift systems like various applications and bureaucracy programs online. Remember how everyone learnt about digital payments during demonetization? Similarly, we will learn to file our FIRs and follow up online. Calls to the 911 or the desi 100 can now also be solved with a Virtual Assistant directing your requests to the area or department concerned.

Now only does this make processes Covid-19 proof, but also ensure better implementation and supervision as everything is accessible by the cloud.

Freelancers and Consultants:

With restricted travel and businesses being hit, consultants and freelancers have plenty of spare time to work on themselves and their brands.

Freelancers can build their websites and incorporate tools like calendars and reminders to make schedules and send auto-generated reminders to all the parties involved.

Another great feature would be to build client dashboards that will help make your interactions with the client much better. If you wish to start simple, you can even start with basic notes like Apple notes, Microsoft to do, and Google Keep.

Its is the right time for local Kirana stores to go digital.

Grocery & Shopping-

Shopping is going to shift online majorly. This gives entities like Big Basket, Amazon, as well as other traditional stores to go online.

While established online businesses can revamp their websites and apps to give customers a novel feeling, it is the right time for local Kirana stores to go digital. Kirana stores can go as big as having their e-commerce sites or apps or start small with an interactive product list over excel which customers can simply order or email.

We can also learn from the big giants like Amazon how much difference delivery times can get to our revenues.

During such dire times, there is no option but for businesses to go digital. And while we all go digital, it is UX based aesthetics and ease of transactions are the main factors that dictate how well we are going to run our digital businesses.



Yellow Slice

Our motto at Yellow Slice is to “Slice out the best” in creative intelligence.