Why Africans Should Embrace Agribusiness

Kamau Nyabwengi
YEN Africa Media
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2018
A woman Carrying Fruits

When most Africans hear the word farming, all that comes to their minds is an image of an old chap with an old farming tool or a pastoralist looking after his cattle. The society has been led to believe that farming is for the uneducated lot. Every parent is trying to challenge his or her kids to go to school, get good grades and get a ‘good job’. We are yet to get a definition of what entails a good job.

The youths have been flocking the urban areas in search of jobs. However, tables are turning and now people are starting to view agriculture as a business rather than a chore. Local and international organizations such as Amiran have been at the forefront of promoting agribusiness in Africa. The results are good so far but we need more sensitization on the same. I know you are still not convinced why you should be joining this lucrative sector. Check out the reasons why you should think about agribusiness

Africa has a lot of unutilized lands

You may be asking, where? World Bank estimates that Africa has over 200 million hectares of land which are uncultivated, usable and fertile. This amounts to over 50% of idle land in the entire world that can feed the continent for years. There are some areas that are densely populated but rural areas have thousands of acres that are lying idle. It is quite depressing to note that countries like Kenya receive food aids from Israel which is a desert. It will cost you an average of $100 to lease an acre of land in most rural areas. People are now opening their eyes and utilizing the opportunities that are in these areas.

Agribusiness allows one to take baby steps

You do not have to start with millions to make it in this industry. There are thousands of farmers who started small and are now among the most successful in Africa. You can start rearing chicken in your backyard and after some years you expand and lease even more space.

Some farmers like Dan Onyango started his dairy farming with four cows and is now one of the most successful dairy farmers in his area. You just have to set goals and know what you want to achieve at the end. Some websites like Kuza Biashara and others listed here can help you in this journey.

A ready market for produce

You can forgo getting new clothes but you cannot do the same with food. Every time there is a tragedy, the victims are always offered food as the first form of assistance. Africa has over 1.2 billion people and the population is still growing. There will always be mouths to feed as long you get your produce to the market.

Most African countries spend billions importing foods from other continents. Food security has always been an issue and you can help bridge this gap. Africa has the capacity to produce enough maize and rice to feed the continent even during the dry season.

Create employment

50% of African graduates never secure formal employment. Most of the curriculums train people to be job seekers rather than creators. Engaging in agribusiness can change this mentality and alleviate people in the process. Many institutions of higher learning are rolling out agribusiness courses and they are becoming popular as well. When you engage in farming, you not only create employment for those who work in the farm but also intermediaries, those in the market and hotel industry.

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Kamau Nyabwengi
YEN Africa Media

Just-A-Man | Innovator | Visionary Entrepreneur |Business Development Professional | CEO / Co-Founder www.yenafrica.com