Start everyday like it’s your first day on the job

Madeline Martini
Young Entrepreneurs Project
2 min readFeb 1, 2019

Think back to your first time walking through your company doors. Feel the rush, the jitters, the excitement. Your mind was racing with new ideas, thinking through the unknowns, and absorbing everything.

That newness aides your innovation. The fresh perspective is invaluable. You see every problem as a new opportunity and you can’t wait to dive in.

But over time, in the coming months, the excitement, the new smells, sights, sounds, problems, people… it fades away. Days will become normal and monotonous. Problems will become problems and no longer opportunities.

When humans are put in a routine, we slowly march towards normalcy.

Stop walking.

Instead, pretend like today is your first day on the job. Walk in your office doors and pretend everything you hear is your first time hearing it. Every problem you see is a new opportunity. Fill your spirit with hope and reenergize with the promise and excitement.

Because every day is a new first day.

Sorry, these aren’t always perfect or finished… 😅 But that’s the nature of our five-minute challenge. We have exactly five minutes — no more, no less — to make an impact on YOU!

We don’t always have time to capitalize, spell correctly, or proofread. We write, save, and publish after 300 seconds. That’s it. Simple.

Join us in the five-minute challenge! We use this app to write.

