What if we all lived like dancers

Madeline Martini
Young Entrepreneurs Project
2 min readJan 28, 2019

I’m fascinated by the lives of ballerinas.

They structure their entire life around their career.

Many start their day with vigorous hot yoga flows to make themselves more limber. Followed by intensive beauty routines to maintain a flawless look for any upcoming performances. Throughout the day, they watch everything they put in their mouthes — consuming only the freshest and organic foods to maintain a slim figure. They go to bed early and rise at the crack of dawn to ensure they’re always well rested.

Their days are created with the mindset that everything they do must better themselves for their art.

But why doesn’t this occur in any other field?

Marketers aren’t starting every day with a creativity exercise. Landscapers aren’t doing yoga every night to increase strength. Entrepreneurs aren’t practicing meditation to reflect and create new ideas.

No other industry has standards that they adopt in their day-to-day to perfect their career performance.

But what if we did? What if every practitioner structured their day like dancers did?

Imagine what we could accomplish if everything we did in life optimized our brain, body, and spirit for our respective arts.

This week, live your life like a dancer — whatever that means in your field.

Sorry, these aren’t always perfect or finished… 😅 But that’s the nature of our five-minute challenge. We have exactly five minutes — no more, no less — to make an impact on YOU!

We don’t always have time to capitalize, spell correctly, or proofread. We write, save, and publish after 300 seconds. That’s it. Simple.

Join us in the five-minute challenge! We use this app to write.

