Use Phone Wallpapers for Mind Mapping

Our phones are ideal tools to design mind maps and keep them in our sight.

Adesh Acharya
Mind Maps


This is the first photo I found in my gallery that resembles a mind map:

I know it’s just a note. A list of things.

This is not a mind map,’ you frown. I know. It doesn’t fulfill the criteria.

Apart from a major one. (Bear with me.)

Yes, there’s nothing in it.

  • I edited a photo of my notebook page with Goals written on the header in my handwriting.
  • All I did was use the vignette tool to make the center of the page — which contained things I wanted or had to do — look brighter.

It’s significant for me because it was the first time I had used a photo of a self-written text as my wallpaper to remind myself what I was about and what I was to do. In other words, it was the first time I used my phone wallpapers for mind mapping.

Because this is the essence of mind maps:

Remind us what we are about and what we are to do.

Many photos on my phone are of a vignetted diary page.

I have been using Phone Wallpapers regularly. Whenever I have a new idea, a new structure, or a new paradigm, I either design them on paper and take a photo or use a photo editing app. It has been useful.

Phones are without a doubt the most useful and personal technological devices. We learn, work, communicate, and entertain ourselves through them. We spend almost all of our time with them.

They now play a role no other technology ever has. This makes the phone screen the most viewed thing in our normal day, both in terms of frequency and duration.

Why Phone Wallpapers for Mind Mapping?

The wallpaper (the background) is the most general inner-experience component of a phone. It is a base upon which all apps and tools stand. Apps come and go, and change places. But the background remains!

This type of presence of the phone background and our high phone usage makes the background an ideal thing to replicate what we would like to have in the background of our minds.

Thoughts come and go frequently but the goal/mission/vision remains relatively longer!

It is about using the phone wallpaper to manage our thoughts in the way they will be managed.

If you have read this, you would know:

It is about using phone wallpapers for mind mapping.

Everyone who uses a phone wallpaper uses something beautiful or inspiring. This is to inspire or remind the person of what s/he is about. This is a kind of symbolism. It helps us in crisis. But not all the time.

Our thoughts are not simple. Wallpapers have to be taken more seriously and methodically if we want to make the most of them.

Our minds are not the most obedient things. They like to counter-reason, explore, and confuse! If we give it a single vision and try to discipline it on it, we take away its natural faculties. Not that it will agree!

One effective way to control or manage our minds is through mind maps. One effective way of creating mind maps is by using our phone wallpapers.

The wallpaper has to be designed in a way that addresses all aspects of our life and mind. The wallpaper has to address the confusion too.

If our mind was to focus on a singular thing, there wouldn’t be the need for thoughts and thinking.

If we want wallpapers to be our Mind-supplement we have to dig and design deeper.

We have to move beyond symbolism.

Our wallpapers need to communicate to our mind all the things that we want to have communicated. A night sky wallpaper in the background with the current goals written could be a good solution. This way our mind will notice the cosmic/metaphysical context along with the financial/moral — just the way we want it!

What we can do is draw attractive diagrams and set them as the wallpaper of our phones.

There are tricks for space-effectiveness, which is the art of placing certain components at certain parts of the wallpaper for the best effect.

There are tricks for image, text placement, and color usage.

I will share them in due time.

My idea with this article was to roughly talk about phone wallpapering as mind mapping tool. I would love to hear how you use your wallpaper as I have no idea how others have been doing it!

This publication is about Mind Mapping — the best way to enjoy and be in control of our minds. Here we discuss and analyze the history, methods, and future of mind mapping.

Our minds are beautiful and complex, we need an effective way to see and solve them. Mind mapping is that way!

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