Yes, Please! Sexuality Book Report

The author offers ways to find your sexual blueprint, address the baggage and past trauma so you can move on to live a more sensual life, every day. Opening yourself to peak sexual experiences can transform you, your creativity, your power, your energy and your intuition.

Summary: A kind of workbook from a therapist / adherent of Tantra, mixed with her personal experience and some therapy themes. She focuses on patterns from our childhood that repeat in adult relationships, particularly cycles of shame, desire and need, calling it “our sexual blueprint.” Lots of interesting theories in this book (but many of them are less scientific and more “spiritual” so take them with a grain of salt) but it’s unique in its workbook-like format.

Main Points:

Your sexual blueprint includes:

  • Messages you received about sex as child parents, other adults and society
  • Early childhood sexual exploration with yourself and others
  • Your first sexual experiences
  • Relationships with your mother and father or primary caregivers
  • Events that impacted your body image



North Star
Yes, Please!

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