Ranking Every Tag Team On The WWE Main Roster

Cameron Shank dives into the WWE tag team scene and ranks every single team!

Cameron Shank
10 min readOct 20, 2017

The year of 2017 has seen some incredible tag team action. From Ambrose and Rollins reforming, to the Hardy Boyz returning at Wrestlemania, to the Hell in a Cell match between the Usos and New Day, we’ve been treated to stellar performances. But not every team has been white hot. With the end of the year just over two months away, now would be a good to to see where all the teams on the main roster stack up.

14. The Colons

Despite rumors surfing in April of the duo splitting from WWE, Primo and Epico are still employed with the promotion. It is, in fact, a knee injury that has kept them away from television. After coming over from Raw to Smackdown Live via the post Wrestlemania Superstar Shake-up Primo and Epico shed their gimmick as the Shining Stars, giving them a new start with new scenery that might have proved to be of benefit. That is, if Primo didn’t come down with the aforementioned knee injury that put them on the shelf. They did, however, get a victory over American Alpha on the April 18th edition of Smackdown Live, one week after their debut. That, along with the fact they are former WWE Tag Team champions might be reason enough to put them higher on this list, but their lack of exposure on television has not helped their stock. The two have potential, but we’ll have to see what WWE has in store for them when they return.

13. The Ascension

The clearest showcase of NXT stars turned into WWE’s go to for pre-show eight man tags, Konnor and Viktor have had an awful main roster run. Loss after loss has clouded the image of the dominating we saw in NXT back in 2014. In that instance, a case could be made that the Ascension should be taking the bottom of this list. The colons do have a win over former NXT champions American Alpha, the same American Alpha that beat the Ascension after beating every other team on Smackdown Live in a tag team turmoil match. However, the one saving grace for Konnor and Viktor is the fact that they have had more television time than the Colon’s, becoming staples in Tyler Breeze and Fandango’s Fashion Files. And since those skits are very entertaining, I have to give it to the Ascension.

12. Rhyno and Heath Slater

This was a tough one. Ever since coming to Raw, the inaugural Smackdown Live Tag Team Champions have been a complete afterthought. So much so I almost forgot to put them on the list! But their run as tag team champions puts them ahead just a bit. They were practically last year’s version of the Fashion Police, with people invested in Heath Slater of all people. Nothing against Heath, but he had the losing streak gimmick way before Curt Hawkins took over. Heath’s latest appearance was of his alter ego, Pelvis Wesley, as he lost to Elias Samson (or just Elias). Their recent accolade, however, is what gives them the edge. And it felt wrong having the Ascension higher than two teams on the list.

11. The Club

Oh, the hype surrounding this team when they made headlines, attacking the Usos on the April 11th, 2016 edition of Raw. It filled the WWE Universe with hope. A year and nearly five months later, and Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson have relegated to “just another team” in Raw’s division, if not less. I suppose since I used the former accomplishments argument for the teams below the Club, it would be nice just to continue with that thread. Gallows and Anderson had a short run with the tag team titles after defeating Sheamus and Cesaro on the Royal Rumble Pre-show, but I wouldn’t blame anyone for forgetting that. They did, at least, defend their titles at Wrestlemania in the fatal four way ladder match where the Hardys made their triumphant return. Now, the recent bundle of losses isn’t what holds this team down on the list, it’s the losses in handicap matches with Roman Reigns.

10. The Miztourage

Okay, the only reason this team is this high on the list is because I’m including the Miz, who is an absolute star on the mic. His lengthy Intercontinental Championshipe reign is nothing to sneeze at either. Now, the only reason they are not higher on this list is because of the lack of wins Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel have put up since joining the Miz. I want them to succeed (especially Axel) but when looking at Miz’s track record for superstars he has teamed with or taken under his wing, it doesn’t look good. Sure there is Bryan and Big Show, but there is also Alex Riley, Damien Sandow, R-Truth and John Morrison. Anyway, Not only are Axel and Dallas getting good television time, but also in-ring time, going at it in tag team action the last few weeks and even in number 1 contender battle royals for the I.C. title, but their losses hold them back. Not to mention they aren’t facing the Shield at TLC. The Miz made sure to get new partners for that.

9. The Hype Bros

A losing streak has caught the team of Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley at the moment, but the duo’s shady actions as of late may be the shot in the arm the team needs. The two have had their individual success, with Ryder claiming both U.S. and I.C. titles, the former at the grandest stage, and Mojo becoming the fourth Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal Winner this past mania. But it is as a team I see these two at their peak. The tag team championships are arguably the hottest championships in the company, and any team vying for them will surely get a boost. However, with the Usos coming our of Hell in a Cell with the straps and Chad and Benjamin the new contenders it seems they’ll have to wait for their chance.

8. The Revival

So this is where my television time argument comes back to bite me, but it would be a crime to put this team any lower. Dash Wilder’s fractured jaw and now Scott Dawson’s ruptured bicep has kept them off television for some time now. However, I would be remiss if I did not mention that the Revival was one of, if not the, best tag team in the world when they left NXT, and they made a huge splash by defeating the current Smackdown Live Tag Team Champions, the New Day in their debut match. If it were not for their injuries, this team might have been number one.

7. Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin

Chad’s new found partnership with the returning Shelton Benjamin should be interesting going forward. No doubt they will be top contenders for whoever comes out of Hell in a Cell with those Smackdown Live Tag Team Titles. After wins over the Ascension and The Hype Bros respectively, there are not many more teams to go through before grabbing those blue straps. Benjamin is a three time Intercontinental, two time Tag Team, and United States champion, so he has the credentials to make it to another reign. Chad’s no stranger to gold, either, winning both the NXT and Smackdown Live Tag Team Championships. They’re on a roll now, and with their chance at the Usos in place to take part sometime soon, we may be seeing the team to take down the chains locking down the division.

6. The Fashion Police

Tyler Breeze and Fandango haven’t done much inside the ring to grant themselves a title opportunity, but their entertaining backstage antics have gotten them into the good graces of the WWE Universe. It’s no secret that both men are talented in the squared circle, and that, along with their comedy, might just prove to be a recipe for success.While neither man has won gold before, it may just be a matter of time before Breeze and Dango investigate a case for the Tag Titles.

5. The Hardy Boyz

Ever since their return at WrestleMania, Matt and Jeff have been picking up where they left off. Sure, some of their buzz has diminished, part of that due to Matt coming off one of the greatest years of his career in 2016. The two won the Raw Tag Team Championships in their return match, right after wrestling a devastating match for another promotion, but it is the relevance the two have that puts them so high. With Jeff’s recent injury, we’ll be seeing Matt go solo for a bit, which may lead to a split down the line. This in no way has been the team’s best run, but their veteran status and Matt’s former gimmick have created fan support the other teams on this list lack.

4. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins

While it isn’t exactly a Shield reunion, Dean and Seth have not slowed down since their title win at Summerslam. The story going in was well told, and sets up for another down the line, perhaps going into Wrestlemania season. For now, however, Ambrose and Rollins have steamrolled through the division, putting on a barn burner at No Mercy with Sheamus and Cesaro. The only team left is the Revival, who will most likely take the titles from them. Both members also have their individual accolades as well, capturing every title between the two save for the Universal Championship and Smackdown Live Tag Titles, along with two money in the bank victories, they may just be the best team if you look at each of the parts in a bubble. The team won’t be defending their titles at TLC due to the reformation of the Shield, enforcing a longer reign that may bring out the best of RAW’s tag division.

3. The Bar

I thought for a bit about weather or not to put Ambrose and Rollins here, but Sheamus and Cesaro just mesh better for me. Ambrose and Rollins could be fighting for world titles right now, but Sheamus and Cesaro had nothing coming out of the brand split, and now are Raw’s top team in my opinion. Cesaro should be in the main event by now, stealing the show more often than not, having a plethora of tag team titles, and being the only man to hold championship gold after an Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. And Sheamus is severely underrated, with three world title reigns, a Money in the Bank victory, and a Royal Rumble win. I’m a huge fan of throwing two individuals into a random team, but I had my doubts when Raw General Manager Mick Foley put them together. Now they are multi-time Raw Tag Team Champions, with their reigns being some of the better ones since the belts were painted red. Not to mention, they ended New Days record reign. Speaking of which…

2. The New Day

The only team to hold both brands’ titles, Big E, Xavier Woods, and Kofi Kingston have been in some sort of title picture since 2015! Even Roman Reigns has had a few months out of the picture. Most of that is due to their record 483 day reign, but they did hold the WWE Tag Titles once before, and are now two time Smackdown Live Tag Team Champions. This team is an automatic fan favorite, has the best faction psychology since the Shield, sells merchandise like no other, have great chemistry together, and have been putting up match of the year candidates with the Usos. Each man brings something different to the table, making it one of the freshes acts in recent memory. And when they were getting stale late last year, they stepped aside for a bit before coming over to Smackdown Live for a change in scenery. However, there is one team that I believe has the New Day beat for best tag team in WWE today.

1. The Usos

I mentioned above that the Hype Bros change in attitude could be the shot in the arm they need. Need proof? Look no further than Jimmy and Jey, the standard for what a change in character can do. The Usos have dominated Smackdown Live for most of 2017, putting on clinics with Rhyno and Slater, American Alpha, The Fashion Police, and the New Day. They mix old school tag team tactics with fresh and innovative matches, much like the Revival in NXT. The Usos have also stepped up their work on the mic, cutting impassioned promos that could be put on the same level as the Miz and John Cena. It is because of the reinvention and outstanding performances that the Usos grab number 1, as the best tag team in WWE today.



Cameron Shank

Aspiring author, currently working on writing multiple novels. I'm also a huge fan of professional wrestling.