Introducing YES AND NOSTALGIA, a Publication for Favorites and Fondness

Dena Ogden
Yes and Nostalgia
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2021


Because most of the things we care about didn’t happen today.

But where are the tweets? photo via Unsplash.

Welcome! I hope this publication makes all your dreams come true. It’s here because:

  • Most of the things we care about didn’t happen today.
  • We might not know how much something matters until it’s been with us for a little while.
  • And most importantly, it’s fun to discuss and analyze the things that we like, and experiences we’ve had with a fresh, new lens (at least, it’ll be fun here. promise).

The breakneck news cycle has shown us just how fast content and stories are processed and churned through online. We can be left in a trail of dust if we’re just a few days behind a launch or a release date. But, the thing is, sometimes we have to sit with something for a bit, or watch it again, or reread it. Sometimes we’re in the mood for the shows and stories we absorbed as a kid or teenager, or at other points in our life, and revisiting it brings new insights or ideas. Sometimes, a thing might be new to us, but there still might be conversations worth having — even if the topic at hand is not currently on the top of everyone’s feed.

Yes and Nostalgia lives in the sweet spot of time and appreciation, where we can discuss new and old favorites



Dena Ogden
Yes and Nostalgia

writer | part 80s/part 90s | very PNW | words also on The Atlantic, R29, Bustle, Romper, et al | she/her