A ‘Thank You’ from our staff

CO+HOOTS Foundation
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! 2016 has been a wild rollercoaster of transformation, growth, empowerment and direction. We want to take a quick moment to say ‘thank you’ to those that have led us through this year and inspired us to continue moving forward.

Thank you to our volunteers, who have come in in the masses to help empower youth entrepreneurs, accept tasks like taking the trash out and actively lend themselves to us. It’s overwhelming how grateful we are for our volunteers are, and most times we have too many of them! Seriously… how does that even happen??

Thank you to our sponsors that have believed in us as we moved forward. From sponsors who paid for one kid’s sponsorship to making it possible to hire on a new employee, we are so happy to meet sponsors that are just as passionate about hat we’re doing and want to be involved. You’re amazing and hopefully you’re reading this and know that we would be nothing without your generosity.

Thank you to dedicated students at Youth Startup Weekend for being so busy you forgot to eat heaps of candy and thus leaving the candy for us to eat.

Thank you to this community for teeming in generosity and kindness. Thank you for never losing sight of what Phoenix is and never settling with the name “Silicon Desert.” Thank you for understanding the immense power of connection and knowing how to harness that superpower for good. Thank you for being you, because you’re pretty freaking great.

Thank you to our staff for taking every challenge head- on and putting your heart into everything you do. Thank you for putting in the hours and dedication and taking ownership for what you’re creating.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



CO+HOOTS Foundation
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We are committed to diversifying the workforce through ongoing education, sponsorship and strategic partnerships. Donate here: cohootsfdn/give