My Top 30 People to Know in Startups Around Phoenix

This will sound like a #humblebrag at first, but bear with me, it’s not.

Jonathan Cottrell
13 min readAug 28, 2017


On Friday morning, I was honored to find myself among distinguished company on a 2017 list of the Phoenix Business Journal’s top 20 people to know in startups. Two years ago, I was named one of 35 entrepreneurs under 35 in the Arizona Republic. Since the launch of #yesphx and PHX Startup Week, I have appreciated several interviews in local and national media. I’ve also been asked by multiple people to submit for the 40 under 40 list on two separate occasions, to which I have respectfully passed.

This isn’t about me, though.

While I am quite thankful to have been considered among, interviewed by, and named to such media outlets, one of the chief problems with every last one of these honors is that they continue to promote the same people over and over again (for the most part). Of course, I get it. The people in the spotlight — most of which I consider close friends and all of which serve as vocal allies within the Greater Phoenix entrepreneur community — have done more than I can enumerate here alone. Each one of them are well deserving of their recognition and our city’s gratitude. Not to mention, media networks also have a vested interest in promoting people with broad networks and large platforms…but I digress.

Therefore, as we move forward and grow as a community, it is my sincere hope and great aim to recognize the people who are not only “up and coming” or “names to know” among us, but those who have been quietly, faithfully, and humbly #GSD for years.

As such, my personal commitment moving forward is that I will no longer respond to such interviews or lists. If asked, I will instead recommend someone else who is more deserving than I am in the category — because there are many others far more deserving than me! Though I respectfully understand if others may not choose to do the same, I invite every “Usual Suspect” in Phoenix (you know who you are) to do similarly. As much as I madly respect everyone’s respective contributions, we desperately need to collectively bolster a new batch of local leaders.

In other words, it’s time we get out of the way.

With this in mind, below represents my personal list of 30 people everyone should know within the greater Phoenix entrepreneur community. In my book, these are the famous ones. I am wildly thankful for each and every one of them.

Drum roll, please

In alphabetical order (and linked to their social profiles so you can connect with them), they are…

Adam Toren

How more people don’t already know Adam is beyond me. As a serial entrepreneur behind a number of cool initiatives, even having sold one of his startups to Entrepreneur Media itself, I’ve learned a lot from him. He and his brother, Matthew, are always up to something excellent together, usually juggling multiple startups at once. But more importantly, Adam helps a ton of local founders however he best can, supporting them as an incredible advisor and ultimate connector.

Brandon Clarke

Both an entrepreneur and entrepreneur servant, Brandon has been loyally working to help build the ecosystem through a variety of efforts, including his pivotal role in the formation of the StartupAZ Foundation. He has tirelessly championed the Phoenix community in a way that has stayed true to the spirit of generosity that we have claimed. Most importantly, he’s someone that you cannot help but want to be around, as authentic and humble as they come.

Caitlin Waters and Vincent Orleck

These two are not a couple or anything, but they sure do make a killer team. Serving the #yesphx community by managing its social media presence, they have upped our game and made our community more engaged and connected as a result. They are passionate about Phoenix, having helped PHX Startup Week, Social Media Club Phoenix, House of Genius, and Social Media Day in multiple capacities. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as they are always volunteering to serve their city in some shape or form.

Dave Albertson

If you haven’t yet heard of Shelvspace, you will. It’s on a solid trajectory to be a big winner in Phoenix. Though Dave is quietly and consistently growing its mark in the industry, he has been serving startups and founders for well over a decade in Phoenix. What he is building is significant, but more importantly, I want him to be known because he is a significant individual with one of the best heads on his shoulders of any local leader.

Ed Nusbaum

If you don’t know Ed yet, I’m sure you’ve seen him around, whether that’s chowing down at Li’l Miss BBQ, or enjoying good company one of our many local startup events. He’s the one who, when he smiles, the room lights up — and he’s always smiling! He has a vast depth of experience and he’s always willing to show up and help out, whatever the need.

Gregory Bullock

Greg has been writing about and promoting Phoenix from a variety of roles ever since he served at CEI Gateway. Now at TheraSpecs, he has only picked up the pace, continuing to serve by helping grow his skills and help many other inbound marketers across the valley. He may also have some mad lip-sync skills, but you didn’t hear that from me.

Jerrod Bailey

Jerrod has been helping startups on their sales and technology game for a while now, having served in a key role at Tallwave. But now he’s helped co-found his own startup, ClickIPO, which is off to the races. Whether he’s helping startups hone and hack their way to success, or do it on his own, he’s one to know.

JP Taxman

Whether he’s helping make things happen for PHX Startup Week, hosting his own events, or helping others as they work on their startups and themselves, JP is always there to lend a hand and make things happen. Follow the emoji apps and apparel and you’ll find him somewhere in the community.

Kate (Stephensen) Rogers

Now, granted, Kate is more famous than anyone else on this list, since she was the name behind our community’s relatively recent New York Times profile. But she should be, both her experience and commitment warrant the attention of all. More importantly, it is her spirit that people will find the most refreshing thing about her, having donated of herself to serve the community in a variety of ways. As a transplant from Silicon Valley, the Valley of the Sun is very glad to have her.

Kimberly B. Roland

Kim is one of those people that, as soon as you sit down with her, you’re at ease. She’s served the city through a variety of means, including at ASU E+I and as a volunteer at House of Genius. Now she’s serving the larger entrepreneur community in a role that directly helps our small business owners and economy at the BBB. Get to know her and watch her go!

Kristin Romaine

Kristin’s kindness proceeds herself. As a local non-profit, entrepreneur, and refugee advocate, she has fought tirelessly to help propel others forward, whether that was helping grow initiatives to serve female entrepreneurs, Code Day Phoenix, or one of her many other projects. There are few people who have been as consistent in their service of others as Kristin and we’re all better for having her in our midst.

Kristin Slice

There are few people working harder than Kristin to support entrepreneurs. She’s been doing that tremendously well by helping female-led businesses in particular, both through Empowered PhXX and launching Month Month AZ, always fighting for 50/50 equality in business ownership. She deserves our applause and support.

Kunal Laroia

I’ve quite enjoyed watching Kunal as he has gone from Silicon Valley transplant to ASU student to active Phoenix advocate and supporter. Whether he’s helping students plug in to the community or supporting new community members at Galvanize, he is always cheerfully and faithfully helping the community press forward.

Kyle S. Thomas

I first met Kyle when he was stationed at DeskHub. He helped me move items for PHX Startup Week’s first year, and we’ve been friends ever since. He is always up to something, making things happen for the community. He is a true community servant and we are richer with him in it. Plus, what would we do without that contagious, boisterous laugh of his?

Liz Mason

Liz is crushing it. As the CEO of High Rock Accounting, not only is she steadily growing an incredible, technology-enabled startup right here in Phoenix, she’s also helping other startup founders with their own books. Moreover, she’s always seeking to help others and look for ways to help others press forward. While her firm is watching startups’ bottom-lines, the bottom-line for me is this: she rocks.

Mallory Hutchison

The amount of work Mallory does behind the scenes, whether it was previously serving as Daniel Valenzuela’s chief of staff, or now in her role for the Startup AZ Foundation, she is instrumental in making things happen for our city. I am so grateful for her contributions, I find it difficult to express, but those who know her already know — she would do anything for Phoenix. We are lucky to have her.

Mat Sherman

I love Mat deeply. As much as he may have gained a reputation for being loud about Phoenix getting its act together, I know firsthand that he does this from a heart of deep care for the city and its entrepreneurs. He’s all about startups. All. A. Bout. Them. More importantly, if you need help, he’ll be there to give it, whatever the personal cost to him. We are all richer with him in our city, and I look forward to watching as he grows PubLoft.

Matt “Meanders” Simpson

Matt is my partner in crime, the better half of my community efforts. Without him, there would be no PHX Startup Week and there would be a far less polished and organized effort around #yesphx. Matt is the #MVPofGSD for all things community-related. More importantly, he’s a true friend and someone that looks to selflessly serve his city in all ways he can.

Michael Ashbaugh and Team

While Coplex is a name many already know, Michael is one of the guys behind the brand that is making things happen not only for the startup studio, but for the startups they serve. Without Michael, there would not be a One Million Cups currently operating in Phoenix, nor would there be such a beautiful #yesphx website, which he personally helps project manage along with Matthew “G” Giacomazzo and others. The community is thankful.

Noah Barrasso

While not a startup founder, per se, Noah is most definitely an entrepreneur, having helped grow Keyser’s brand within the entrepreneur community and served many of our most notable startups, always with a smile. Not only is he one of the most enjoyable personalities to hang out with in town, either (he’s an ENFP, folks). He lives out the principles of generosity in how he serves everyone. Noah is the real deal, folks.

Paige Soucie

Paige makes things happen. One of the key ingredients to PHX Startup Week’s first and second year success, she has gone on to travel the world, eventually landing herself back in Phoenix. I am also grateful to have had the opportunity to work alongside her as a co-founder in my last startup. If there’s an event that’s happening in Phoenix for the startup community, she’s probably had a hand in helping it happen one way or another. It wouldn’t be the same without her.

Patrik Matheson

Running his own visual media company, Beeing, Patrik has committed himself to scaling that company right here in Phoenix. But he’s gone far beyond that, as well, having donated a great amount of his time to multiple efforts in capturing that very startup community and its inhabitants, including his personal work on the latest #yesphx video. If you need a creative storyteller, he’s your man.

Paul Parent

Paul is one of the most intentional people I have ever met. He also happens to be one of the most intelligent. When I met him, he was determined to make the jump from the world of finance and hedge funds into helping lead product-oriented teams — and he did exactly that. Also, he has helped spearhead the effort to boost our local skills by launching the Product Tank meetup, where Phoenix product managers are given the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences about design, development and management, business modeling, metrics, UX, and more. In short, Paul gets it.

Raoul Encinas

There are no words grand enough to adequately describe my friend, Raoul. He is a bright shining light of Phoenix, radiant from the inside out. The way he extends his help to everyone within the community reaches well beyond the realm of reason, always seeking to support, coach, and encourage others. He has also had a hand in helping run massive pitch competitions like the first ever #StreetPitch held at PHX Startup Week. Do yourself a favor and meet him asap, as he has some exciting things about to launch.

Ruminder “Romi” Dhillon

You may have recently heard of the Arizona Founders Fund. But what you probably haven’t heard is the story behind that seed fund. Romi has been steadily and strategically working toward launching the investment vehicle over years, having committed himself to making that happen for our market at great personal cost to him. And finally, with the support of others within the community he did it. Our ecosystem is already better for it.

Stacie Mallen

I haven’t known Stacie as long as some of the others on this list, but I’m so grateful to have met her. From her time serving as the CEO of Videoloco to her recent role as the Chief People Officer for super startup, CampusLogic, she has dove right into the community to serve wholeheartedly. She is all about creating the type of culture we need in Phoenix and putting her oomph behind every effort to do so, whether helping other leaders form those cultures, or forming them herself.

I would be remiss not to mention

While it may be “cheating”, there are a few last groups of people who deserve some honorable mention, including…

Everyone who has helped “run” #yesphx

People are regularly thanking and congratulating me for #yesphx. I have so very little to do with the effort any longer other than serving as one of its myriad champions that such pats on the back feel altogether silly. Don’t believe me? Check out the answer to this frequently asked question. While I have already named some of these same individuals above, there are still others who have generously given of their time to make things happen behind the scenes. They each deserve our thanks for their contributions to helping build the Phoenix scene.

The ASU Entrepreneur + Innovation team

ASU has made a very concerted effort over the last couple years to better engage with the community and build bridges between the university and larger startup community. That is especially thanks to the leadership of Ji Mi Choi within E+I, but it is no less thanks to the support of Tracy Lea, Brent Sebold, and others both past and presently serving its students and faculty.

Meetup organizers around town

Meetups are a critical part of any community, and that is no less true in Phoenix. I wish to recognize the effort it demands and the growing number of meetups around town that have served as a foot-in-the-door for so many of our community’s now active members. Keep on keeping on!

All those Phoenix lawyers and firms

While startup folk don’t first think of or thank their lawyers, what would we do without them? Our community has been tirelessly supported by the event sponsorship and critical counsel of partners at firms like Osborn Maledon, Hool Coury Law, Weiss Brown, Polsinelli, Fennemore Craig, DLA Piper, and others.

Who makes your list?

In the interest that we make this list an evolving resource to newcomers within the greater community, write down (and link to!) your own top 10+ Phoenicians in the comments below and help share this article with others. To grow, we must recognize, celebrate, and thank the people who are actively working to build the world’s most generous community for entrepreneurs. They are heroes among us, having more than earned their time in the limelight.

