Want to help make PHX Startup Week 2020 incredible?

Mike Jones
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2019
Some of the incredible volunteers and organizers from the PHX Startup Week 2019

I can’t believe it’s summer and PHX Startup Week was over 2 months ago! Goes to prove that for us organizers, the recovery time sure flies by. :)

And really, it was an incredible event this year:

More than 1600 people participated across 3 venues with over 150 speakers, made possible with the support of more than 35 amazing sponsors, 35+ incredible organizers…plus you — our entire startup community!

And more important than numbers was the amazing diversity of people who participated, experiences shared, stories created, and relationships built that are already proving to strengthen startups in our vast valley and help everyone to thrive.

What’s Next? ThrivePHX 2020

We’re excited to be beginning plans for next year’s event (February 17–21, 2020) and already we have some updates:

Kate Rogers and Mike Jones are returning as co-leads of the Organizing Team. Ticket sales are already available (and being fulfilled), potential venues are being contacted, sponsorship conversations are happening, and we’re pulling together this year’s Organizing Team.

Nominations Open for the Organizing Team

As part of this effort, we’d love to hear from you: who would make a great fit for the Organizing Team? You can use this application form to nominate yourself or someone you know: https://forms.gle/eR6mYYGkAQysYo3B8

We’re particularly looking for volunteers who:

  • Exemplify the PHX Startup Week core values:
    - Empowered Diversity
    - Innovation through Collaboration
    - For the Betterment of the Community
    - Entrepreneurs Educating Entrepreneurs
    - Be Your Best Self
    - Kindness Is Fun
    - Honesty Wins
  • Demonstrated involvement in and support for the general startup community in the greater PHX metro area
  • Have work or volunteer experience that translates well to one or some of our Organizing Team groups: event programming, event operations, volunteer management, sponsorship development, and event marketing.
  • Can dedicate weekly effort between now and the event to plan, organize, and execute the event

Ultimately, we want to build a team of people with a passion for PHX startups, a high value of doing good work, and a team-first mentality.

Do these sound like you or someone you know?

Cast Your Nomination

We will close nominations July 5th, so don’t delay.



Mike Jones

I help visionary companies create lasting brands on purpose. I love history, dislike beets, and hate not thinking.