The #yesPHX “Most Generous” Winner for February 2018— Forbes Shannon

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2 min readMar 26, 2018
Forbes Shannon — Incredible Attitude, Gets after it, and Community Organizer at Tech Talent South

This is the first edition of the #yesphx Generosity Program. The goal is to stand behind what we believe to be the heart of our community: our generous spirit. We believe that the best way to accomplish this is to highlight examples of people who have displayed acts of generosity in our community every month. These people will be nominated by you. We’re always accepting nominations, so if you’ve noticed someone being particularly generous in the community lately you can go here to nominate them: #yesphx generosity nomination form.

Our First Nominee, Forbes Shannon, was nominated by Jeff Booth. Jeff is a remarkable human being and one of the organizers for this year’s PHX Startup Week.

Jeff had this to say about why he nominated Forbes, who was a volunteer this year at Startup Week:

Forbes was an incredible volunteer with a great attitude. If our community had 500 Forbes, then Phoenix would have many more companies in the Forbes 500.

Here’s the story Jeff told us about how amazing, generous, and helpful Forbes was as a volunteer, and why Jeff nominated him.

I watched Forbes come into PHX Startup Week and make a difference. He volunteered his time throughout the entire week and looked for ways to rearrange his schedule so he could commit more hours. Throughout the week Forbes had a great energy, positive attitude, and helped lead the volunteers through every facet, from event setup, to guest check-in. While Forbes stayed connected with all team members, there was also no task too small, he was willing to do anything to support the event. This became evident when the bathroom trailer was flooding and rather than look for someone else, he was the first man in to help fix and clean it up. It was servant leadership at its finest, and that mentality seemed to carry over to everyone else on the volunteer team. After seeing that, I was inspired to be the first guy to clean up spills or empty a trash can because that created the best experience for our guests. Forbes had the highest level capabilities from leading a team to delegating tasks, but it was these seemingly smaller tasks that really differentiated him. It was a pleasure having someone capable of directing a team and executing an event who was also willing to do whatever necessary for our PHX Startup Week guest community.

It’s people like this that prove just how amazing our community is, and can be. Let’s all do our best to exhibit qualities like this. Congrats Forbes on being our first winner, you deserve it!




Writer of The Time Traveling Salesman. Lover of small and medium sized furry things.