Your COVID Reopening Guide

Jenny Poon
Published in
7 min readJun 26, 2020


What we have learned from being one of the last states to close and one of the first to reopen.

Due to a lack of response from our state leaders, we as business leaders have had to do the heavy lifting in figuring out what is the most safe and effective way to reopen. As a coworking space, a majority of our work is rooted in bringing people together. With the shutdowns we were able to shift and launch our WFH membership and also are in the midst of launching a new online community to make our entrepreneur/business support resources more available. Until then, we have been navigating a reopening of our space during a pandemic.

I recommend approaching reopening with this mantra: [INSERT YOUR BIZ NAME] will not be the source of the next outbreak

COVID-19 has devastated so many businesses and like others in our community we have been scrambling to stay afloat, support our customers and maintain a safe workplace all at the same time. We are fortunate to have an amazing team to plan our reopening steps because we had little to no guidance from our government.

We scoured the internet and researched how Wuhan, China and other cities across the world reopened. We heavily relied on the recommendations from the CDC and EPA (for list of recommended disinfectants). While…



Jenny Poon

HUUB / CO+HOOTS founder, ranked No.4 coworking space in USA. Entrepreneur, designer, journalist. Phoenix Business Journal’s Business Person of the Year 2016.