Book Review — Over The Top

YE Stack
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7 min readApr 25, 2020

by ZigZiglar

Ninety-five percent of the people who hear, understand, and agree with a principle do not have the ability to apply it to their lives because they do not have the necessary resources . Why do so many people start on a project , get marvelous results for a brief period of time, and then revert back to their old humdrum way of thinking and living ?

‘Over the Top’ gives us a legitimate hope and fuel it with encouragement . It shows us how we can acquire more of the things money will buy and all of the things money wont buy . It shows us that failure is an event , not a person. It helps us to develop the right attitude ,combine them with the right skills , and develop a character foundation to ensure a balanced success .

“The solution to a problems i had wrestled with more three solid months came to me when i completely forgot about my needs and and became engrossed in finding a way to meet the need of others. “

Right attitude + specific skills +Golden rule philosophy character = Complete success.

In addition to having a positive attitude and enthusiasm for what you are doing you have to learn the skills of your trade.

When you chose to be pleasant and positive in the way you treat others , you have also chosen , in most cases how you are going to be treated by others.

Skill is critically important , but skill alone will not take you over the top and keep you there . Employing people with superb technical skill but very low people skill and a doom and gloom or barracuda attitude makes them a liability because of the negative impact on the rest of the team .

Attitude plus skills equals a dramatic improvement in performance .

Character gets you out of bed ; commitment moves you to action ; Faith ,hope and discipline enables you to follow through completion . with character you will , to the best of you ability , say and do what is right .

If we have the right attitude combined with the right skills and build your attitude and skills on a solid character base , We can always enjoy long lasting success .

A true commitment is a heartfelt promise to yourself from which you will not back down .

“Most people who fail in their dreams fail not from lack of ability but from lack of commitment .”

Having it all

Would you consider yourself successful if you were happy, healthy, reasonably prosperous, and secure, has friends, had peace of mind,good relationships and the hope that things will either continue as they are or get better?

Throughout Over The Top it repeatedly mentions about balance of life ,which in turn effects all the things in life . Our intellectual growth ,spiritual and emotional health and our approach to spiritual matters are all inseparable. They are all tied together. And more surprisingly Zig Ziglar tells us that we really can have all of them together .

“You got to be before you can do , and do before you can . “

As we hit the inevitable snags or road bumps in the course of our activities,our resourcefulness creativity and knowledge will be more fully utilized because we are in a roll and can-do attitude . and that will have a dramatic impact on our productivity .

Positive believing is something goes beyond positive thinking and it gives us the freedom and confidence to use our ability .

“We deny our talents and abilities because to acknowledge or to confess them would commit us to use them .”

Action Now = Benefits Now

The Responsibility is yours

Taking the responsibility for you behavior , your expenditures and your actions and not forever supposing that society should forgive you because “its not your fault” is the quality most needed in the next century.

Plan ,Prepare and Expect -when put into action ,determine your today and tomorrow .To excel we must expel false assumptions and avoid destructive behaviours .

When you change your world for the better, you have positioned yourself perfectly to change the world of those around you.

“These ten little two letter words- If it is to be it is up to me- are absolutely valid. The solution is to do it now. “

Changing the picture

The most important opinion you have is the one you have of yourself , and the most significant things you say all day are those things you say to yourself .

Far too many people have no idea what they can do because all they have been told is what they cant do .They dont know what they want because they dont know whats available for them.

The first step in growth is action . Don’t act until you feel like taking a positive action . Take the action and then you will feel like doing it .

It’s not what you know or who you know- Its what you are that finally counts .

“To eliminate prejudice (self prejudice included)in our land would enable us to use our greatest resource , which is our people-all of them.”

The immigrants attitude

Real optimism is aware of problems but recognizes the solutions ,knows about difficulties but believes they can be overcome , sees the negatives but accentuates the positives ,is exposed to the worst but expects the best, has reason to complain but chooses to smile .

It takes faith in ones ability to accomplish and faith that a new country is really a land of opportunity for a migrant . If one makes tremendous commitment, accepted the responsibility for his future,focused on exactly what he wanted and displayed an enormous amount of persistence , he will succeed no matter what . This is the immigrants attitude.

The immigrants attitude embraces honesty, faith, discipline ,conviction , focus , direction ,desire , hope, personal growth , patience, thrift , persistence,flexibility and gratitude with a capital G.

“All of us perform better and more willingly when we know why we are doing what we have been told or asked to do.”

Motivation is the key

Motivation is the spark that lights the fire of knowledge and fuels the engine of accomplishment . It maximizes and maintains momentum.

To be motivated means to pull out or draw out what is inside .

“Motivation fuels the attitude that builds the confidence necessary to sustain the persistence.”

Attitude makes the difference

Maintaining the right attitude is easier than regaining the right mental attitude.

Many unemployed people remain unemployed because they don’t think a job is available (everybody has told them so), or they don’t think they are lucky enough to get one. With this kind of thinking the inevitable happens .

“Feelings follow actions. So when you don’t really want to or feel like doing what needs to be done — do it and then you will feel like doing it . “

A goals Program : Key to a balanced success

“It seems universally true that people who have direction in their lives go farther and faster and get more done in all areas of their lives .”

Developing a goals program

Step 1 : On a wild sheet of paper write out all the goals you want to have or achieve .

Step 2 : Wait for 24–48 hours so that more goals add up to your list .

Step 3 :Answer 5 questions ,all of which must have an answer :

1. Is it really my goal

2.Is it morally right and fair to everyone concerned?

3.Will reaching this goal take me closer to or farther from my major objective in life ?

4.Can i emotionally commit myself to start and finish this goal?

5.Can i see myself reaching this goal?

Step 4 :After each remaining goals ask yourself :

  1. Will reaching this goal make me happier — healthier — more prosperous — win friends — give me peace of mind — make me more secure — improve family relationships — give me hope ?
  2. Will reaching this goal contribute to a more balanced success ?

Step 5 : Divide the goals into short range ; intermediate and long range goals .

Step 6 : Take the remaining goals from the list and work them through the process .

Winning is a focused goals program .Knowing exactly where you are on you goals at a given moment gives you added confidence and helps you maintain the right mental attitude .

Specific steps to reaching your goals

  1. Make the commitment that you are going to reach the goal.
  2. Commit yourself to daily detailed accountability .
  3. Break your goals into small pieces .
  4. Get in shape physically , mentally and spiritually .
  5. Make your liabilities you assets .
  6. Learn to respond to disappointment .
  7. Discipline yourself.
  8. Change direction , Not decision .
  9. Get all the help you can : Share give up goals freely and go up goals carefully .
  10. Become a team player .
  11. Paint a positive picture .
  12. Paint that picture in your mind of what you want to be , do , or have .
  13. Your dreams can come true .

Commitment +Courage +discipline = Freedom

Ambition — fueled by compassion , wisdom , and integrity — is a powerful force for good that will return the wheels of industry and open the doors of opportunity for you and countless thousands of other people . Fueled by greed and a lust for power, ambition is a destructive force that ultimately does irreparable damage to the individual in its grasp and to the people within its reach.

See you at the Top . . . .

